Broken English (Still) Isn’t Good Enough

Hi Everyone,

This one bugs me. This is what I mean.

If you have never had to translate directions, instructions (some detailed), or have tried to have a conversation with someone who does not speak English well or another language of the country you live in, you may not understand. Trying to speak to someone who does not speak English or broken English well is frustrating, exhausting, and time-consuming. It has gotten to the point now if I see someone I know who cannot communticate in English, I will walk or turn away because I just cannnot deal with them. This is especially true if they have lived in an English speaking country, like Canada, for years. Since I am not completely cold-hearted, I will help someone if they look lost or if they are in trouble. Yet there is only so much I, or anyone, can do. Aanyway….

Yesterday my daughter drove to my parents and my mother asked her to bring something back for me. That was the easy until my mothers’ broken English got in the way. My daughter didn’t know what she was supposed to do. Did it go back in the freezer because it felt cold or should she put it in the fridge? she asked. Having more experience with my mother’s broken English, and baking, I told her to put it in the fridge and I would meet her tomorrow, which is today. Thank goodness both of us had time. I had to rearrange my schedule, which I am not happy about but I did get some of my favourite cake so life could be worse.

The above is a small, relativley harmless example of how things can be misunderstood. But there have been times when I have had people get upset or angry when I cannot figure out what they want or what they are saying. It is not up to me to take care of other people. It is their responsibility to take care of themselves. Few people move to Canada overnight. There is always some level of planning involved. Passports, plane tickets, other paperwork and luggage are things that need to be done, so why don’t people include learning the language? If they can’t learn it in the country they are leaving, then why don’t they try to learn it here? Not only do so many organizations offer free or inexpensive classes, cell phones offer so many ways to learn, or translate one language from the next. There really isn’t an excuse for anyone not to learn anything.

Since I have encountered so many people who refuse to learn English I am of the belief that they are selfish to think or expect others to translate for them on a regular or semi-regular basis.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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