Can Someone Steal Your Man or Woman?

Can Someone Steal Your Man or Woman?

Hi Everyone,

I can’t believe I am blogging about this. This is what I mean.

If you haven’t heard of Will Smith the movie star who is married to Jada Pinkett Smith then you A) have been living under a rock, B) have rocks in your head, C) have been hit in the head with a large number of rocks, or D) a combination of the above.

Although the story as to how this Hollywood couple came to be has been circulating for decades, I seem to be the only person in Southern Ontario to have heard of it. Since few would believe me if I told them, I found an article in the May 7, 2019, edition of, O THE OPRAH MAGAZINE, by Michelle Darrisaw. Parts of that article are in italics.

Unfortunately, Smith was married at the time to Fletcher and decided not to act on his attraction to Pinkett Smith. Smith later revealed on Red Table Talk that he knew Pinkett Smith was the one. An aha moment he had in a restaurant bathroom while he was on a dinner date with Fletcher.

“I had a realization I wasn’t with the person I was supposed to be with,” Smith said. “I was sitting in a stall and I was crying and laughing uncontrollably, and I knew [Jada] was the woman I was supposed to be with, but I was never getting divorced…I went back out, sat down with Sheree and started going back on with my life.”

It wasn’t until Fletcher ended things with Smith that he tried to woo the actress. He asked Pinkett Smith if she was “seeing anyone,” and her response was “no.”

“Cool, you’re seeing me now,” Smith smoothly told her. From there, Pinkett Smith moved from Baltimore to California, and the two began dating. Smith and his ex-wife officially divorced in late 1995.

Now if Will Smith, the famous rapper turned actor, turned movie star could fall in love with someone else while still married, then how could we mere mortals be exempt from falling in love, or, at the very least, have feelings for someone else?  We can’t.

Things happen. No one can steal someone from someone else. It is impossible. And that brings me to my next point.

If I had $10 for every time someone bad mouthed me, accused me of stealing their man or anything else calculating evil and manipulative minds can come up with, I could pay cash for a three-storey penthouse condo at, The One, in Toronto. With that said, I have been doing this thing that no one thinks I can– it is called pay attention. Some bridges have been burned.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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