Distraction VS Discipline

Hi Everyone,

There is one common thread that all of us share and it is distraction. It is everywhere all the time. The only way to get past our one or more (chosen) distractions is with discipline. This is what I mean.

I, like everyone, would rather be doing something else than what really has to be done. That’s human nature. Why read a book, when we can watch TV. Why watch TV when we can surf the Internet? Why surf the Internet for something that will help us help ourselves when we can text, talk, shop or have a nap? The answer is that all of the above are easier to do when we really don’t want to do what has to be done. Period.

One thing that I do when I need some discipline is question exactly why I am not doing what needs to be done. The answer is usually that it is easier not to, it is too difficult or both.  But here is the rub, “It is just as easy not to do something as it is to do it”. For anyone who thinks I came up with that myself, I’m sorry to report I didn’t. I got that from a book called, People Are Idiots and I Can Prove It, by Larry Winget.

If you think about it, it makes sense. Since I like to believe I am a sensible woman, I actually think about that sentence if I’m procrastinating. That always gets me moving. Another thing I do is get pissed off at myself. I think, “SERIOUSLY ANNA!!! THIS is more important than….” Now before anyone gets all weird by the fact that I address myself in the third person, I thought I’d inform you that there are countless famous and/or super rich people who do. One is Donald Trump.

Do you think he got anywhere by not doing what had to be done? HIGHLY UNLIKELY!!! I’m pretty sure that, The Donald, has worked his butt of learning things he didn’t want to, doing things he didn’t want to, etc.  So if, The Donald, as people like to call him, got to where he is today, just as COUNTLESS of other people did before and will after him, why do we stop ourselves from accomplishing what we want? The answer is whatever our one or more chosen distractions are, are more important.

So here’s a confession. While writing this blog, I got distracted by a fragrance. Selling fragrance was a former life, and I NEEDED to know what that fragrance was. My nose had me believing it was one of my old favourites, but I had to make sure so I got the bottle. Sure enough it was the scent I thought it was. I doused myself with it. Tomorrow, I’ll share another confession of my distraction when I lacked discipline.

But before I leave, I just really want everyone to remember that, “It is just as easy not to do something as it is to do it,” and to get pissed off at yourself by thinking, “SERIOUSLY (your name)!!! THIS is more important than….” when you need to distract yourself from your (chosen) distraction.

Here’s the link to a past blog about Larry’s Winget’s book, http://arebelsrant.com/book-people-are-idiots-and-i-can-prove-it/

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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