Do You Have Trust Issues? ;D

Hi Everyone,

From my experience, each of us has trust issues. The degrees vary during different times in our lives but we all have them, including me.

I’ve had some trust issues for years. Over time, I have thought about them and forgot about them. Earlier this week, as I was reading a book the word trust came up three times. The latest book I am reading is a memoir. I bought it with only reading the title. Trust was not in it. Even with the author using the word trust sparingly, it really hit a nerve. That’s when I forced myself to think about trust and my issues with it.

Since I like to break things down to their smallest form, the best way was for me to start where I thought my trust issues began and work my way to the present. It was an interesting process. One I would recommend for any issue. I really learned a lot about myself. Slowly going back in time is eerily interesting, scary. That is, if you decide to fill in the blanks along the way. Self-examination is not for the faint of heart.

Even though I have trust issues I still trust. I trust myself in every moment of every day. I have for years. I do this because I know myself. I trust that I will do the right thing at the right time. I trust that if my instincts have been wrong, I will learn from that experience. I trust that when my confidant said, “It will happen for you,” that he was right. I also trust that my friends, my confidants will keep my life confidential and continue to be as protective of me as I am of them.

I trust that 2014 will be better than 2013. But I always trust that the next year will be better than the last. I trust that everything will work out better than I could have ever dreamed of and sooner than I thought. I trust myself to get over my trust issues. I trust that you will to. Trust, like respect, must be earned.

That’s it for today. There is a rant in there. I trust that everyone found it.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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