Do You Know A Little Boy?

Hi Everyone,

Just as some males call females, “little girl,” females should also be calling some males, “little boy”. The reason for this is that some males, no matter their biological age, are truly little boys in a male body. Here are a few examples.

The first example is Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford. For anyone who hasn’t already heard of Rob Ford and his antics, I’ve included a link to last nights’ episode of, The Fifth Estate. It clearly depicts how a supposed adult is a little boy and the lengths that he and others will go to in order to protect themselves. The video is 43.58 minutes in length. Here’s the link,

The next link is an interview with Rob Ford’s mother and sister. Here’s the link to that interview which is 25:17 minutes in length and continues to some other videos,

If you listened carefully, then you would have understood how a, “little boy” like Mayor Rob Ford and others are allowed to behave the ways that they do. When I heard Rob Fords’ mother say that Rob can’t just sit on a beach and do nothing but then later say that he has a weight problem, glossing over the other issues, I thought, why not have him exercise on the beach or wherever to at least clear his head and help with his weight issue that she seemed so concerned about. In case anyone didn’t watch the first video, Rob Ford weighs 313 pounds and it takes A LOT of alcohol to get someone as drunk as Rob Ford was in one video. So yea, I am of the opinion that Rob Ford also has a drinking problem and a complete lack of self-regulation among other things.

But the most interesting thing that Rob Ford’s mother said in the interview was that Rob did it to himself. When I heard that I thought, “Really Lady? You honestly think and believe that? Think again!” This is why. She raised him. Rob Ford, just as everyone else, is product of his environment and his environment included the discipline, or lack thereof, of both his parents. It is clear to me that Rob Ford has been allowed to have more than a few problems. Lack of accountability is one, denial, lying, alcohol abuse, illegal drug use, over eating and sexual harassment are the ones that have been mentioned in the media but I believe there are more.

To illustrate this further, one day I was speaking with a neighbor who was having a problem with her husband. After she told me what was happening she asked me, “Is it me? His family says I don’t understand him.” My immediate response as I took her hand was, “No. It’s him and his family. They have let him behave that way for years. You’re great. That whole family is the problem. Just keep doing what you are doing.” The reason I said what I did was because I heard those exact same words from my daughter’s father’s family. That I “don’t understand him.” What they didn’t know, was that I understood all too well!

So do you know a, “little boy”? I do. The first one that comes to mind is my daughter’s father for obvious reasons. Rob Ford is next, the son from my blog, Train Wreck Spotting is another and then there are a few more who I won’t mention in this blog.

But I will say this. The fastest and easiest way to spot a, “little boy,” is when they call females, “little girl”. My daughter’s father did that to me a few times and well since we all know how he put his needs first it is clear that, he was, is and always will be a, “little boy”. Another way to spot a, “little boy” is if a male asks a female if they are his, “little girl”. When someone asked me that, I simply stared off into space as I answered them. On a side note: I would like to say that instead of calling people a “little girl,” or “little boy,” Europeans will call people, “a kid” or, “(a) little kid”.

So there’s your head’s up parents! Anytime you decide to allow your child, to be unaccountable for his or her actions, you are really choosing to allow your child to never grow up and meet the responsibilities of their biological age. And if you have been paying attention, you will know that if you decide to do the above, you will end up cleaning up their mess and will, be seen to be a POOR role model, aka PARENT! Just saying!

Here are some links that relate to this blog that have other links.

The Cost of Coddling

Train Wreck Spotting

Little Girl,

Are You An Adult?

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!

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