Do You Know Your Credit Score?

Hi Everyone,

If you don’t know your credit score, you don’t care about money. This is what I mean.

For anyone who doesn’t know, a credit score, in its simplest form, is like a report card of how you handle (or don’t handle) your money. Just like in school the higher your marks, or in this case your credit score, the better. And just like in school you can work on getting better marks, or in this case a better credit score, with some effort.

A high credit score means that you are financially responsible. That means companies have, over time (like years) learned to trust you because you have consistently paid your bills on time. With that knowledge, they will give you a better, lower, interest rate if you need to borrow money or get a credit card. It means that you aren’t a risk, and that you probably won’t claim bankruptcy. The lower the interest rate means the less money you pay out, so the more money you keep. Having a high credit score is important if you want to save money.

The flip-side is the lower your credit score, the more money you have to pay in interest if you even get the loan or credit card. We have all heard of people who did not qualify for a mortgage, car loan or credit card. There are some people who can’t even get an apartment because of their low credit score. If that sounds harsh think of it from a landlords’ perspective. If you can’t pay your bills which are most likely less than rent, how would you pay your rent? Financially responsible people have some saving and know how to prioritize their needs and wants.

Anyone who thinks they need more money really has to get their head out of the sand. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, it matters what you do with your money that counts. I have had every credit score known to man and woman kind and I can tell you, there are a lot of people out there who make WAY more money than me but their credit score is WAY, WAY lower than mine. I know, because I check my credit score online once a month for free via my bank account.

Despite all of my past financial hardships I have refused to claim bankruptcy. Claiming bankruptcy is like giving up and that means you don’t believe in yourself. Besides, I, like a lot of people, believe that claiming bankruptcy stays on financial record longer than the financial experts will admit.

If you care about your money, you will learn more about credit scores.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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