Funny Thing About Reading…. ;D

Hi Everyone,

Everyone has something they have to do to keep them sane. For me it is reading. Now I read a lot of things every day. Most of the things I read are not really what I would like to be reading but they are important. At some point, each of us has to pick their poison. That is why I read the important things first. I just get it out of the way.

But if at some point in my day I don’t end up reading what I would like, I get bitchie. I am serious. Like really bitchie. It’s like an itch I can’t scratch. This is probably why I read while I diffuse/dry my hair and read during commercials. I NEED those few minutes. I am serious. Very serious. Here is the funny part, to me anyways, and let’s face it, I have a different type of humour. This is what I mean.

Late yesterday afternoon, I started reading during a commercial. I LOVE this author. I mean, LOVE, LOVE her! I buy every book she writes and I am thrilled when her books are discounted. Since I am frugal, the deeper the discount the better.   ;D  Not so good for her or her publisher, etc. but great for me!

As I am reading away, I come to a part when she describes, interestingly enough, how people had treated her like she was disposable. Normally, I would burst out laughing. Instead of my normal laughter, (that I am sure always has the neighbours wondering what I am up to) I thought, “Yep! That’s people for you. I get it. Good for you Girl!” Yesterday’s blog was clearly still on my mind. (Here’s the link, ) Then the phone rang.

Jees, I almost jumped out of my skin! I am serious! I hate when I am in the middle of a great book, (or something), especially when I am trying to read as much as possible during a commercial, and the telephone rings. It really did make me jump. But if there is one thing that I do, it is answer any phone if it rings. People call for a reason.   ;D

Sometime later, I began reading my great book again. And it was then, a few great pages later that I did in fact laugh my face off.  I had just recorded something very similar to what the author had said. The timing couldn’t have better! Those few sentences validated everything I always thought. And that my friends (and foes)  is the funny thing about reading.

It takes us places we never thought we would go, proves that we are right, even when we would love to be wrong, makes us expand our minds (man I really wish more people would read SOMETHING at least once a year) and proves that we are sane when this insane world is trying to push us over the deep end without a life jacket when we can’t swim.

Just for the record, I was on a swim team for years and can still swim. ;D

For anyone who is interested, I posted a blog titled, Family Literacy Day. It has a link to the World Literacy Foundation. Here’s the link to that blog,

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D




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