How Many Doppelgangers Do You Have?

Hi Everyone,

If there is a one in 135 chance that a pair of doppelgangers exist somewhere in the world and a one in 1 trillion chance of someone walking around looking identical to me, specifically in all eight facial features, then why do I have so many doppelgangers? This is what I mean.

The first time I heard of someone looking “just” like me was about 25 years ago. My boyfriend of a couple of months, dropped me off at night school before stopping at a Walmart on his way home. When he picked me up, he told me, “While I was at Walmart, I saw this girl who looked just like you. She looked so much like you that I had to get three feet away from her before I saw the differences.” A few months later one of my neighbours would tell me the same thing.

I am telling you this because there have been other sightings of me when really people need to get their eyes checked. This is what I mean.

Almost three years ago someone said that there is someone who, yes, you guessed it, looks just like me. Of course, they didn’t and this is why. For one the other woman is about 6 inches taller and weighs about 20 pounds more. She also has long blonde hair that has a bit of a wave to it. She smokes too. I quit smoking four months before I met the person who said I look like someone I , don’t and haven’t smoked since I quit in March of 2016.

A couple of weeks ago, one of my neighbours of over 3 years, said he saw someone who looks like me and he was calling my name from across the street. According to him, “I knew it wasn’t you when I was about 20 feet away. But up until then, I thought she was you. She sure does look like you.” When I saw that neighbour the other day, I asked him if he has seen my doppelganger since. He said he hasn’t. After I described who I thought my twin is he said I had the wrong person. Who is this new doppelganger?

I know who one is. She, from the growing 25-year list, is the only one who I have seen. I know her name and have an idea of where she lives. We are very similar in height yet I weigh about 15 to 20 pounds more than she does. Just to be clear, I still (barely) weigh under 120 pounds. Her hair is longer, has a bit of a wave and is coloured 1-2 shades darker. My hair, depending on the hair products I use is either curly or corkscrew curly. Both of us grey at our temples and roots. We do share some of the same mannerisms yet she smokes. Her brother and mother-in-law can tell us apart immediately. Her step-father-in-law always thinks I am her until I am standing right in front of him. Like 12-18 inches apart.

The other day, I asked someone who knows both of us, since all of us we were in the room, if we look alike and she said, “No way!” Now since she is always said to be someone she doesn’t like, she actually pays close attention before she says anything about anyone.

On the flip-side, I have seen a few doppelgangers who look exactly like people I know and two who looked were very similar. I am not the only one who has a twin, or a doppelganger. However, since I have known about my other doppelgangers, I am very careful when thinking someone else’s is really the person I think they are.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!   ;D

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