“I’m Busy”

Hi Everyone,

Each of us has said and heard the words, “I’m busy,” in varying tones throughout our lives. Personally, I like the softer version of, “I’m busy.” And I understand when people are busy because I, too, am busy. I respect my time. And that brings me to the point of this blog.

A few days ago, I decided to text a former co-worker. Since I don’t text as quickly as others and seem to lose track of text messages, I called him. As we caught up he too told me that he really enjoys his own company and was considering a few changes in his life. That’s when I reminded him of the text I sent him before I called. Everyone is busy lately and that can really make us re-evaluate our lives and the people we decided to allow in them.

But there is one thing about the words, “I’m busy,” that can throw a lot of people for a loop. “I’m busy,” means different things for different genders. This is what I mean.

For men, “I’m busy,” generally means that they are with someone else when it comes to relationships and they don’t have or want to make time for the woman who is let’s say calling. (I am using a heterosexual relationship but it can be changed to suit any relationship).

For women, it generally means that we are busy with whatever task is at hand. Or at least, that is what I mean when I say, “I’m busy.” My saying that, “I’m busy,” can be confusing for men since they think they know what it means, even though they are using their version in their heads to translate. But it is crystal clear for women. I will use my life as an example.

I’ve dated a few men who have had some very busy careers and businesses. When they told me they were busy, they were. I knew their lives because I was a part of them. If I called and heard the words, “I’m busy,” they would tell me what was going on and ask if they could call me back after whatever they were dealing with at the time was addressed.

They would also give me a time line and ask if it was okay to call me then. Those few words made me respect them, their careers and/or businesses. I understood their unique situations and they always treated me well.

Sure there were times when I didn’t like that they were busy and I am sure that they didn’t like my calling when they were in the middle of something. Each of us knew that the other couldn’t see what the other was doing. BUT each of us could hear the tone of voice and the understood the words that were said. Those two elements contributed to mutual respect.

It teaches you who you can trust, whose got you on all sides, and why. After all, life is the best school and the people in our lives are the best teachers of the lessons we are meant to learn. I’m up to being educated are you?

Is this a rant? That would depend on which side of, “I’m busy,” you are on, how you decided to interpret the words, and what you have chosen to learn.

Thank you for reading A.Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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