Is Everyone Really Doing Their Best?

Is Everyone Really Doing Their Best?

If everyone is doing their best, then we are in REAL trouble. This is what I mean.

It is only January 5th, 2020 and already I have said, “I want to f*cking scream,” three times. The first time was on January 1st, the second was on the third and once for today. The reason? It would appear that the simpliest things are complicated by people who have little to no idea as to how to do their job. If that sounds harsh then you have either been living under a rock or you have a personal assistant who handles all the crap for you that mere mortals as myself have to address in order to get things done so I can live a semi-peaceful life. I am praying that it is sooner rather than later and I have a feeling I am not alone. Or at least that was the impression I got at the library today. That is where this blog began.

About two months ago, the TIFF Bell Lighthouse was promoting a series of films directed by Martin Scorsese. Instead of paying to see all three of them, I borrowed them from the library. Since there are only so many movies to go around, I was put on a waiting list. I liked Taxi Driver far more than Raging Bull. It was too violent for my liking yet the acting for both was amazing. The third movie was Goodfellas. But let’s flashback to Friday January 3rd.

Most of my days are mapped out well in advance. Last Friday was no exception. I thought since we live in the age of the Internet that my simple task would take one possibly two phone calls at most to set everything up/clarify the information and it would be taken care of. It wasn’t. Not only did it take most of Friday, it is ongoing!

The reason is no one I spoke to knew what they were doing. One or two phone calls, or what I thought would be 15-30 minutes, you know for all the time one is on hold, turned out to be an all day event! Which as I mentioned, is still unresolved because after I spoke to the last person and said, “I want to f*cking scream,” I decided get out of my place. I thought getting some air while getting through my other errands would do me some good. And it did.

You see, one of the things I had on my to-do list was to drop off Raging Bull at the library and see if Goodfellas was there. I was told it wasn’t and that there were still quite a number of people ahead of me. According to the librarian, “It would be some time. By the way, your library card needs to be updated.” With my library card addressed, I went about my evening. More errands were crossed off the list before I went home.

For whatever reason I went back to the library on Saturday and, again for whatever reason I checked to see if Goodfellas was there and it was. I was slightly pissed off but whatever. When I got home, I took Goodfellas out of its case and noticed that the DVD was missing the usual picture and logo but put into the DVD player anyway. The film started right away, and abruptly stopped somewhere near what I am guessing was close to the end. Instead of seeing credits, I saw things like Trailers, Cast Info, Scene Selection, etc. You know the things you normally see when you first put the DVD into the player. Now to be fair, I did remove and replace the DVD and selected the last scene only to have it stop at the same place. After that I gave up.

Today I dropped off Goodfellas and told a librarian I have never seen before about the DVD. Then I saw the librarian from Friday night and politely told him about my long wait. After he left, the new-to-me librarian said, “Everyone is doing the best they can”. That is when I quickly said a few things about my Friday before my visit to the library. Then I walked to a semi-vacant table and said, “I want to f*cking scream,” for the third time this year. It’s bad enough that so many people can’t do their job, but it’s even worse when people try to cover up for them. If that was his best, maybe he and everyone else, should try harder so they can do their job better. Everyone’s life would be a lot easier.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

P.S. On a side note, as I was doing whatever I was doing at the library, I looked across the room. Seriously? In over 3.5 years of my coming to this library, not only have I never seen this person anywhere near the library, I have never seen him in it. What is he doing here? Errr. I went back to the task at hand. A few minutes later, as I was getting ready to leave, I noticed that he was sitting less than two feet behind me on an angle and I don’t think it was a coincidence. Just saying.

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