It Is Sad :(

Hi Everyone,

Thanks Social Media, is the title of a blog I wrote on March, 25, 2013. (Here’s the link, )I have just reread it and I noticed a few things. The first is that “She” could have found me through one of two mutual connections, and that I had my figures wrong.

One of the two mutual friends that we have now has over 300 LinkedIn connections and the other has over 400. Since that was just over a month ago, let’s say both had 5 less connections.

Just how much time did it take her to “find” me on either one of those connections is unknown. But I do know this.

It’s no mystery that people are weird, sneaky, and or evil and thereby creep, lurk, and troll etc. social media sites for other people’s information. Unfortunately, when some (not all) people are doing one or all of the above they not only look/search for information on the profile of the person they are looking at, they are also looking for information of people that that person knows.

Now, I admit that I do not spend a lot of time on social media sites. However, I do know and have known for years that people and corporations creep, lurk, troll etc. and why. (I posted a blog on this titled, How Brand Washed Are You. Here’s the link, )

People are well, people. Some people are helpful while others are harmful. Corporations use any crumb of information for their extensive data mining. I have some control over the amount of data that a corporation is mining on me. But, I have no control over what people chose to do with their time and why.

I am, and have been, very careful as to what I post anywhere. Once it is out there, it is out there. I think it is sad, that I can’t post what I want to whom I want and when I want. Fortunately, people understand this.

At the same time, I am fiercely protective of the people in my life regardless of if I still speak to them or not. I am loyal that way. That too is sad. I would like to “connect” with more people, yet I recognize all of the consequences.

This is a short rant. Unlike some people, I don’t allow myself the time to creep, lurk, troll etc. social media sites or whatever. I allocate my time differently. One of those allocations includes blogging.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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