“It’s Not Your Path.”

Hi Everyone,

Ugh! I could post this blog every second week and there would still be people who wouldn’t “get it”. This is what I mean.

Okay so it is pretty easy to judge someone on their decisions. All anyone has to do is inflate their ego even the slightest to think, believe, that they are better than someone else. We’ve all done it, so yea, even me. When we judge someone we are deciding to. You know just like whoever we judged decided to do whatever it was that made us judge them. And then of course there are people who judge us on the things that we have. I am sure that there are some people out there who think, this, that and the other about you, me and everyone’s brother. But how many of us defend our decisions?

I do.

If someone doesn’t like what I am, or at times not, doing, I just tell them, “It’s not your path.” There have been a couple times in the last few years when I have yelled, screamed those words. I mean really, how someone dare tell me how to live my life when their life is in worse shape. Right? And really, how dare someone tell me how to live my life when—IT’S MY LIFE!! If I haven’t broken any laws since my conception I am pretty sure I am not going to start now. I also think that my moral compass is stronger than most.

I have read a tonne of nonfiction books, watched hundreds of hours of documentaries and business shows, spoken to people from all walks of life from every economic position, and have had all kinds of jobs in a variety of industries. I was a struggling single mother who did the best she could with the limited resources I had and my daughter, as I like to say, “Turned out better than okay”. I would like to add that I always remind her, “There’s always room for improvement.”

So yea, I am sure, that some people wonder just what I and a lot of people are doing with our lives. Since I should only speak for myself I will. To tell you the truth, I don’t know. I am serious. For the few times my daughter has asked me, I have always said, “I don’t know. But I didn’t know what I was doing when I was raising you either and you turned out better than okay.” One time I also strongly suggested, “So leave me alone,” and she did.

A lot of people have taken different paths in their lives to get them to where they needed to go. Everyone’s path may be different but some are vastly different. As far as I am concerned, as long as no one is hurting anyone in else in the process, we should all just mind our own business. Besides, a lot of famous, known and unknown multi-million and billionaires have had the most interesting lives.

If anyone asks, or suggests you change something in your life and you’re not into it, just tell them, “It’s not your path.” Life may not be glamorous now, but who knows what it will look like in 6 months or less.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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