Just Living The Ridiculous

Just Living The Ridiculous

As I was editing two blogs a few Saturdays ago, I lost both. I have no idea where they went or what happened but I tried to retrieve them. It was pointless. It was ridiculous. But then again, so has so much of the last few weeks. (And yes, that was before the Corona Virus, or COVID-19 took over our lives.)  One of the reasons I haven’t blogged is because I have been putting out so many of my own fires, I just haven’t had time. Here are a few examples of what has been going on.

Something that normally takes me 7 minutes to do at the library took almost forty. Even though I kept suggesting that the person helping me get help she refused until there were so many of us needing attention, she had no choice. Two of the six staff members holed up in the back office literally flew out the door. A few days later I complained to the head librarian and now every librarian but maybe the head librarian, gives me cut-eye every time they see me. And most of them avoid me. Like I was the one who made them sit in the back office while the newbie tried to do everyone’s job.

While at work I noticed that there are just some females who can’t follow the rules. They repeatedly signed up for no make-up, no nail polish and especially no gel nails but they do what they want. And I don’t want them anywhere near me. I will be civil but that’s pretty much it. If I don’t have to talk, to them, look at them or be around them I am okay with that.

A while ago, the weather person was predicting snow for a Saturday. My mother suggested I visit to help her. I suggested that she ask my sister, her husband and their two teenage sons to help her as they live less than two kilometres away to shovel the snow since they never do and I live over 50 kilometres away in Toronto and always help when I am there. Back in the day people didn’t know 4-7 days in advance that it would snow. Now we do. People change their schedules all the time and some of those people own snowblowers.

I went to the OCAP meeting about supporting Wet’sue’weten and the pipeline protests. I am an information junkie and I wanted to hear what they had to say along with everything else I have read and watched on TV. The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty does help the community even if I may not always fully agree with everything they do. The presentation seemed like it was a bit last minute but then again so where the blockades. I understand what they were fighting for. What I didn’t understand was if 20 Chiefs signed off on the pipeline in 2012 and the process went through 15 sets of approvals that included the provincial government, the 20 Chiefs and Coastal GasLink, why did the Hereditary Chiefs, decide to block the pipelines in February of 2020, when they had over 90 months to do something? I, like a lot of people, have a few theories and some of those theories have dollar signs in them.

As usual I could go on but I won’t. My life, just like everyone else’s, is getting shorter all the time. And of course now with the COVID-19, who knows what is going to happen and when.

Here is a link to my post on Behind the Blog. It is called, Book and Series: Little Fires Everywhere, by Celeste Ng.

Book and Series: Little Fires Everywhere, by Celeste Ng

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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