Isn’t It Ironic?

Isn’t It Ironic?

This blog could also be called, I Can’t Make This Sh*t Up, because this seems unreal yet it is. This is what I mean.

Now that there are so many people at home, they are online streaming any and every TV series, miniseries and movie. Unfortunately, all locations in Hollywood North and Hollywood (South) and all over the world have come to a halt and there is no start time in sight. Some say film productions could be shut down for another month and a half. I say more. But who knows when anyone will be seeing anything new on TV, at the movie theatres, or online. The longer we have to stay at home, the less new content there will be to watch. Isn’t it ironic?

Okay so I have only heard this once probably because it is so bizarre yet that doesn’t mean it can’t be true. IMHO it just means no one wants to admit it. Apparently one (reputable) TV program said that the majority of the face masks, like the N95, are made is Wuhan China, the epicentre of the Corona virus, also known as COVID-19. So the city that introduced COVID-19 to the world is also the city that manufactures masks to protect the world. Isn’t it ironic?

This one is just as bizarre as the above. And I heard this one once and it was also on a TV program. Apparently, the majority of the COVID-19 tests are made, produced in Italy. A country that a few days ago, has more deaths than China and counting, has been in lockdown for weeks and doctors have had to decide which one of their patients gets to live because there just aren’t enough medical supplies, like ventilators available. But everyone is being tested. Isn’t it ironic?

Cash is still king but only if it is electronic. In the last week, one Second Cup location in Toronto that I know of, has stopped taking cash payments because they fear that COVID-19 will stay on the cash and infect their staff. Since no one has fully confirmed or denied this, other businesses have also requested electronic payments stating the same reasons. Interestingly banks have reported huge cash withdrawals as it can always be used. And if businesses use cash, they do not have to pay a processing fee like they do if customers choose to pay with debit or credit cards. Cash may cause death yet not taking cash payments may cause the death of retailers. Isn’t it ironic?

Now that so many of us are at home a lot of us are starting our spring cleaning and decluttering but all of the organisations that I donate to are closed and no one knows when they are going to reopen. Now that I am unemployed it is a fulltime job trying to find homes for all of the things, I want to get rid of.  Isn’t it ironic?

Self-isolate, wash your hands and always be mindful of the people within two metres or less.

Here is a link to my latest post from Behind the Blog. It is called, That’s Some Special Kind of Stupid!

That’s Some Special Kind of Stupid!

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!

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