Manti Te’O–My Thoughts

Hi Everyone,

Am I the only one who thinks that the whole Manti Te’O thing sounds suspicious on more than a few accounts?

The last time I checked, heterosexual males of any nationality and religion in the age range of let’s say 15-21, NEED to have a female around! It is part of a man’s DNA! Even if they only go to first or second base, heterosexual males in that age group LOVE the attention that females provide. This is especially true for men who are in professional sports.

Manti states that he is, “FAR FROM (being gay),” but he isn’t really acting like he is. If I was in love with someone, the, “LOVE OF MY LIFE,” as Manti Te’O stated in his interview with Katie Couric, I would like to at least meet the person, if not see the person via the computer! Is this guy dense? Football players don’t exactly have the reputation for being brain surgeons but really?

As a heterosexual woman, I would want to meet the man that I was supposedly having a relationship with after a few weeks regardless of where we lived. And that brings me to my next point.

There is a web site called, that specializes in having women meet men in professional sports. And the people who set up the website can and will groom any woman to meet the EXACT specifications of any male!

There are a lot of women who will do just about anything to escape what they perceive as a crappy existence in exchange for the probability of dating any male in professional sports and/or men with money! (Just for the record I learned about from a Doc Zone episode that aired last night.)

And what about the timing of when this story broke, January 16, 2013. That is just ONE DAY before the highly publicized and anticipated Lance Armstrong interview with Oprah aired on January 17, 2013. Hmmmm. Is that a coincidence or a lot of misdirection?

I am of the belief that it is a form of very timely misdirection because Mr. Lance Armstrong is out of the spot light and Manti Te’O is in it. I haven’t heard one word about Lance Armstrong in the last like 5 days, have you?

Since Katie Couric’s interview with Manti Te’O there are now piles of websites with varying thoughts. In my opinion, there is a whole lot more going on here than what meets our eyes and leaving lips of Manti Te’o and his “team”.

For anyone who is interested in reading my blog on Lance Armstrong, here’s the link,

Thank  you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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