IF You Are Assuming Something Stop It!!!

Hi Everyone,

On Monday January 21, 2013, I posted a blog titled, I Know What You Mean!!! (Here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/i-know-what-you-mean-2/) In it I stated that I knew why I have allowed things and Some People’s Children, to bother me. (Here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/some-peoples-children/)

Because I am human, I can have a tendency to let my mind have emotional and mental tangents. This is, or can be amplified by the fact that my name is Anna and I analyze everything. That is probably one of the reasons that I am an Information Junkie. ;D

And as an Information Junkie who analyzes everything, I have come to the conclusion that the reason I periodically allow things and Some People’s Children to get to me is that I am of the belief that A LOT of people assume things. Whether those things are about me, someone I love or care about or just life in general, those assumptions can be damaging. But here’s the twist.

Once upon a time, the word ASSUME was defined as,

                 When you assume something, you are making an Ass out of U and ME.

That does not make sense because when people assume things about others, like me, they don’t know if what they are thinking/believing is the truth so they are not making an Ass out of Me, they are making an ASS out of THEMSELVES!!!

Why? Well, I, like a lot of people, am of the belief that people are on a need to know basis. If I deem that someone doesn’t need to know something I don’t tell them. It is everyone’s prerogative, including mine!

But we all know that when people decide to be private, others like to make a point of prying into their lives. For them, it is their right to know what private people are doing. Prying leads to overactive imaginations that frequently stray from the truth and that is when people fabricate anything they think they know and will tell anything to anyone who will listen.

If people think that they are saying things to others in confidence, they had better think twice. We may have two ears, but we also have a pair of lips, you know like TWO lips. People talk all the time. That means that when people decide to talk about me, some inquiring minds who aren’t buying what others are selling, will ask me questions.

I have had some interesting conversations in my life. There have been times when I have thought, “I never told you that,” “I know where that came from,” and, “Two and two still equal four! Don’t try the crap on me!”

The majority of the time I follow Eleanor Roosevelt’s saying of,

        Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people.

If someone doesn’t want to share something with me, it is their prerogative. That also means that it is my prerogative to keep things to myself if I choose.

Just because, I thought I would include another link from a blog I posted called, Gossip vs Fact. Here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/gossip-vs-fact/

Is this a rant? YES!!! And it is VERY POLITE!!!

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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