Movie: Awake

Hi Everyone,

I highly recommend the 2007 movie, Awake, with Hayden Christensen, Jessica Alba and Terrance Howard. This is why.

If you want to sit at the edge of your seat, have a peek into the lives of the super rich, gasp like it’s your last breath while holding back a scream only to be sent reeling by all the twists, the movie, Awake, will do that and more. It is fantastic! I love this movie so much that not only have I watched it several times.

If you are thinking about watching this movie and look up a few reviews, I would strongly encourage you to read the review from Roger Ebert. Here are the first few sentences from his November 2007 review, “Don’t believe anything you hear about, ‘Awake,’ do not talk to anyone about it, and above all, do not even glance at the poster or ads, which criminally reveal a cruicial plot twist. This movie, which was withheld from critics, and has scored a pitiful 13 percent on the Tomatometer from those few who were able to see it, is a surprisingly effective thriller. I went to a regular theater to see it Friday afternoon, knowing nothing about it except that the buzz was lethal and sat there completely absorbed.”

Prarie Miller, from WBAI, said, “A scary, stylishly creepy thriller.”

Stephen Hunter from, The Washington Post, said, “A rare mystery thriller with twists that will keep you guessing.”

Frank Scheck from the Hollywood Reporter said, “Awake, does for operations what Jaws did for the beach.”

Canadian Home Video gave the DVD a 14A rating because, Awake, has gory scenes, course language and disturbing content. All of course are true.

One thing I would like to add is this movie can really make you wonder just how well you know someone. Are you in love, in lust, or well…simply lost? And yes I wrote a blog about that.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!   ;D


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