People Aren’t Disposable!

Hi Everyone,

Harlan Ellison sternly says, “Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention!” These words came from a YouTube video that I included in my blog titled, Harlan Ellison, dated Monday, December 31, 2012. Here is the link,

Now Suze Orman has a saying and it goes like this, “When someone shows you exactly who they are, you better pay attention!” This is how both of the above fit into this blog.

For whatever reason some people think that they are so important and wonderful, that they can have the privilege of entering and exiting our lives whenever they feel like it. Here are a few examples.

One day at work, I thought I would speak with a woman outside having a cigarette. Well, she turned her back on me so I went to speak with someone else. She did this every time we were outside at the same time. This of course went on until she didn’t have any cigarettes.

Then I got one of her brightest, friendliest smiles. “Do you have a cigarette?” she asked. I gave her a blank stare and told her no even though I had a full pack. She left in a huff but got the message loud and clear.

Another day, I thought I would make some small talk with a different woman who was sitting beside me. She politely made it known that she had little to no interest. Every time after we were cordial when we saw each other. Over time, the distance grew between us. Our silent agreement consisted of, if we have to work in the same area we would do our job to the fullest, but that was it. That is of course until she overheard something.

That something was something that she had never expected to happen to anyone she knew, especially, little Anna Leber. As I was speaking to one of my co-workers, that woman began to hover. She made her presence very known by walking very close to me and my co-worker, passing me ever so slightly. Oh yes, she hovered for a long time. All the while I ignored her. She knew it and she knew why. She eventually left and the distance went back to its former self.

As I was speaking with my of my cousins yesterday, our conversation turned to one relative who treats people like they are disposable. You know, like the VERY mild examples from above. Unfortunately, I cannot find one mild example of his behaviour and I have been wracking my brain for hours. Yes, he is that bad.

For whatever reason, he thinks, believes that everyone should drop everything, forget the past, and do, behave, exactly as he would like, EXACTLY when he wants. After all, his life, his needs, his timetable are paramount. Everyone else is nothing and useless. That is until he needs something or wants them to be a part of his life.

Remember, “Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer I am to the end of the roll, the faster it goes!” (Here’s the link, I can, will and have chosen who I want in my life and I have my reasons.

But some people, for reasons that they may not even know, find themselves needing the presence of others that they have formerly found disposable, now indispensable. They need that one or more people in their life. My cousin is an example.

The funny thing is, he gets very angry when people choose to completely ignore or avoid him. I have felt the wrath of his anger more than once. Another funny thing is, no one ever reminds him of the way he has mistreated me or other members of our family. That is correct, I am not alone.

Alright, now look, I could go on about this but I won’t. For one, I really like my happy place. And I believe that my VERY mild examples from above, and my mentioning my cousin create a very clear picture of how people can and will behave.

So here is the tip of the day, treat everyone as you would like to be treated. If you think you have some fences to mend, mend them before it is too late. People remember the one or more ways we decide to treat them. Some of us, me included, have learned the basic rules of etiquette and will be cordial. But as I said in yesterday’s blog, titled Not In This Or…some rules are meant to be broken. (Here’s the link, )

If you have broken a relationship of any kind and the person you expected to win over with a smile, etc. doesn’t want to speak with you then the above may help you understand why.

People aren’t disposable! People are people and people have feelings too.

Thank you for reading!, A. Rebel’s Rant ;D


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