Pew Warmers

Hi Everyone,

Happy Sunday! Since most people who go to church go on Sunday, I thought I’d share some of my thoughts on most church goers, aka, “pew warmers”. And yes, I already know, I probably won’t score any points with any church going readers, BUT I am not writing to score points with anyone. I write what I believe people need to know about and to make people think. If this blog offends some readers, then my suggestion is to stop being a peach! Here’s today’s blog.

The first thing I would like everyone to know is that I was born and raised as a Roman Catholic. I’m not quite sure what the difference is between a Roman Catholic and a Catholic but I don’t think it’s a lot. What I do know is that there are a lot of people who go to church at least once a week and don’t practice what they are preached.

The interesting thing about the above sentence is that after a few experiences I really began to question why people who were clearly not practicing what they were being preached even bothered going to church in the first place. Was it for the rituals? Perhaps. Was it a way to get out of the house and socialize? Maybe. Let’s face it, when people go to church they put on their, “Sunday best,” force a few smiles, shake a few hands and bless their enemies, even if they wanted to scratch their eyes out before entering the scared house of God. From what I’ve witnessed, some people strongly refrain from scratching out the eyes of their enemies on their way out of church too!

Then I remembered a little saying that set everything straight. It is, “Some of the sickest people go to church”. Now sick in the saying means, the people who need the most help, you know the most screwed up. The caveat, to me anyway, is that if you are going to go to church, beware of the sickest, or most screwed up people because if they are going to be anywhere it’s going to be in the place you thought you were going to be the safest.

Now because the sickest people go to church, they like to advertise it. Anytime I hear someone say, “I go to church,” the red flags start waving and alarms start going off in my head to warn me that I may be dealing with someone who may in fact need more, “help” than the average person and who might be using their going to church to mask whatever evils they are prepared to inflict upon others without batting an eye or reading a verse in the bible that pertains to them.

If anyone hasn’t already guessed, I am wary of people who go to church and so should you. If you don’t (want to) believe me then allow me to leave you with a verse from the bible. It is, “You will know them from/by their deeds.” I am not sure where that verse is in the bible but it’s in there.

The next time you go to church or someone you know tells you, “I go to church,” watch how they treat you and the people in your and their society of two or more people. As I’ve already mentioned, a lot of church goers don’t practice what they are being preached. The one way to separate the ones who do and don’t is by watching their deeds. If their deeds lack a moral compass, then they are simply pew warmers. Maybe that person is you!

Here is a link to a related blog that expands on this further,

How Many Pew Warmers Do You Know?

Thank you for reading A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D 

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