Silence Of The Bees Link

Hi Everyone,

The first time I heard about bees dying off was in late 2006 early 2007 and it was a real eye-opener. I always knew that bees played a big part in our lives but I never truly recognized the economic impact they have. Since my first introduction to this global concern things have gone from bad to worse.

I am not a big fan of honey but when I went to re-stock my supply of cough drops a few weeks ago I noticed a price difference. Before I would get a package of 30 cough drops for $1 but this time around there were 20 cough drops for $1. That is a 33% increase in the price or a 33% decrease in product! All of the other flavours were the same price of 30 for $1.

At the time, I never thought of why that was. I was still suffering from a cold and wanted to get home but now I understand. Unfortunately, that is just one example of price increases that are on the way.

The price of nuts, like almonds, walnuts etc. are increasing all the time. The same is true for fruits and vegetables. This is scary because it is not just the cost of nuts, fruits and vegetables that are experiencing price increases it is also the by-products, like my cough drops that are experiencing them too.

So if you see something like jam, that is ridiculously cheap, you may want to stock up. Just be aware of sticker shock when you run out.

Here is the link to, Silence of the Bees. It is 50:35 minutes in length and I HIGHLY recommend that you watch it and share this information. You might also want to stock up on some honey! ;D

Even though I am not a big fan of bugs, I have not killed bees, wasps or other bugs since I first learned of this because I recognize their importance. I am requesting that you also do the same.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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