The Year of the Horse

Hi Everyone,

Happy Friday! And for anyone who doesn’t already know, according to the Chinese Zodiac, today is the first day of the Year of the Horse. Happy New Year! Here’s today’s blog.

If your calendar year hasn’t started off the way you would have liked, whether you believe in the Chinese Zodiac or not, today is a great day to start the New Year again. Sometimes any excuse will do. Sometimes any excuse is needed.

Personally, I don’t put much stock into the Chinese Zodiac or astrology. The reason is I don’t gel as well with the astrological signs or the animals of the Chinese Zodiac as both suggest I should. For example, I am supposed to get along with the animal that I share the Chinese Zodiac with. Well, I can tell you from experience that I don’t. It doesn’t matter if that person and I were born in the same year, or if the person is 12 years younger, 12 years older, or 24 years older, we don’t get along. Another example is that, I am supposed to get along with Dogs moderately. But contrary to the Chinese Zodiac, I get along with Dogs better than any other animal. Both of my great loves are Dogs and my favourite cousin is a Dog. The flipside is, when either suggests that I strongly won’t get along with an astrological sign or an animal, they are bang on 1,000%! Due to my past experiences, that is one thing that I pay attention to.

Now I will still read my astrological horoscope and my Chinese Zodiac. This is partly out of sheer curiosity. Who knows, maybe one year or day, they will be right. It could happen. Life is stranger than fiction and some people take their astrological and Chinese Zodiac horoscopes very seriously. Unless one or both are going to strongly suggest that I avoid something, I don’t.

If you would like to learn more about the Chinese Zodiac and see what the Year of the Horse holds for you, here is a link with a quick overview. Maybe it will lift your spirits with some good news or give you a laugh.

Since I am restarting my year, my new year’s resolution to everyone is to go back to my usual ranting. Despite my being happier lately, I still rant in real life! One of my confidants can attest to that.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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