This Is EXACTLY What Women Want

Hi Everyone,

When it comes to relationships, every woman, person who is the female in the relationship and sensitive people who have an EQ above 10, want one thing and one thing only when it comes to love.

It has been the same thing for centuries, millenniums so we all (should) know exactly what that is. It has been around since the beginning of mankind so it’s not a mystery. But most of us are still clueless. 

So what EXACTLY do women, people who are the female in the relationship and sensitive people who have an EQ above 10 want? It’s simple, all of the above want a GREAT LOVE story. That’s it.

Why is a GREAT LOVE story so special, so important, and why do all of the above want it? Again it is simple. Every GREAT LOVE story has us feeling love, talking about love and that actually has us feeling more love for the person we are with and everyone in our societies of two or more people. This is what I mean.

For convenience sake, I am going to use the example of a group of men who have gone out fishing. (You change this to anything like hunting, cutting a business deal etc.)  They have been fishing all day, as they are getting ready to give up, one of them feels a small nibble. He thinks he may have a fish at the end of his line but he’s not sure. When his fellow fisherman hears him when he says he may have something they look over in envy. Then they start talking him out of it.

“You must have got the line caught on a rock or something. We’ve been here all day and not one of has had a nibble,” they say. But the fisherman who felt “something” doesn’t give up. He may now question himself, but he is sticking with it, waiting for that next tug on his line. Instinctively he knows something really GREAT is happening and he’s not giving up.

Some time passes and then he feels it. More time passes, again there is another tug on his line. Now even the most skeptic of the naysayers are paying very close attention. And some of those naysayers are very, very jealous. After all they too wanted to have a tug on their line and now so and so has one.

As a glimpse of the long awaited fish is finally seen, a greater struggle begins. That fisherman is pulling on the line all the while trying to maneuver that fish into the boat. But the line is long, the fish is still far off, but somehow, somewhere in the depths of his soul, he knows the fish is worth it. He is willing to wait it, fight it out. And he does.

The fish gets closer with every strategic pull on the line. It is finally in sight. Even from the distance, that fisherman knows this one is a beauty. A KEEPER. This one is NOT going to be the one that got away. He has used everything in his tackle box to get that fish on the line, and now he knows he must use everything else. It is up to him, and him alone.

His mind is spinning, his heart is beating faster, and all of his muscles are being pulled in ways he has never felt before. But the fish is getting closer to the boat. With his body strained he knows he can’t give up. If he gives up now, he would be giving up on something he KNOWS would leave him feeling empty for the rest of his life. He NEEDS that fish.

Finally the fish is caught and everyone on the boat helps him. Man, this is the BEST fish, the BIGGEST fish, the most BEAUTIFUL fish and the most RAREST fish anyone of them has ever seen. Sure there have been stories about fish like that in those waters, but those stories are old. In fact most fisherman have cast those stories off as being myths. Not today. Today everyone knows that a fish like THAT truly does exist.

Someone calls the local paper and before anyone knows it, there is a HUGE crowd. Everyone they know and in the vicinity is now there on the beach to see THAT FISH. This story is so big that it spreads like wild fire by now making the evening news and then going international. The YouTube views break records.

As the days go by the actual story of how the fish was caught get a bit bigger. The struggle is longer, harder. Even the former naysayers state they knew he had A KEEPER. That’s why the fish, the prized possession, is on the wall for all to see. That fish and the story of how it was caught is going to be handed down for generations. 

Every time that fisherman sees that fish he smiles, even if it is privately. He thinks about that fish every waking moment of everyday. When he feels low and everything is falling apart, it is that fish that gives him the strength to carry on. It breathes life into him. It is a GREAT story and he tells that story to anyone who asks and to anyone who will listen.

And that is EXACTLY what women want. We, the above, want a GREAT LOVE story. And a GREAT LOVE story is something that we carry with us everywhere we go, for the rest of our lives. We think about it all the time. Like the fisherman, it gives us strength. It breathes life into us.

We don’t care how it started, meaning where we met, how we met, or what we looked like when we met. All we care about is THE GREAT LOVE story. 

We all want to know that even though someone had that inner struggle, they still decided to fight for us. Even when the odds were against them, we want to know that someone didn’t give up then and is still working on keeping that story very much alive.

The story of how we met will be told to anyone who asks and to anyone who will listen. At first the story will be very close to the truth but over time, like the fisherman story, our story will have its own embellishments. If the person is smart, (and we all secretly hope they are) then we can honestly add to that GREAT LOVE story with every one of their thoughtful gestures. If they are smart, (and we all secretly hope they are), those gestures will be frequent and given with love.

Now that is EXACTLY what women want. Don’t believe me? That’s fine. But the next time anyone hears of someone who has suffered through another Chick flick tell them this, “If you created a GREAT LOVE story, a UNIQUE love story, then you won’t have to watch those, because they would have one of their own.”

Just for the record, I have never, not to this day, seen James Cameron’s, The Titanic. And yes I know it is supposed to be one of the greatest love stories in film history, right  up there with Gone with the Wind. I saw that as a kid and have vague memories and haven’t seen it since.

Why haven’t I seen Titanic? At that time in my life I already had one GREAT LOVE story and was embarking on my second but I didn’t know it. 

The other reason for my not seeing, The Titanic, is that I didn’t want to see one of films’ most greatest love stories with just anyone. At the time, I had decided, (and I still feel this way) that if I am going to watch a film like that, then it was going to be with someone I am truly, deeply, madly, passionately in love with because he struggled, he fought, for me, because I am the one he doesn’t want to get away. To him, I am, A KEEPER, and whatever the naysayers say fall on deaf ears. He has both of his eyes on the prize and that prize is me.

Once again, that is EXACTLY what women want. If we don’t get that, (naturally the degrees vary with each individual, circumstance and some people are delusional) we get bitchie and everyone’s life around them is affected.

On a side note, I really don’t like fish, and can only eat Sushi after a couple of shots of hot Saki. But since this is the example I came up with yesterday, I stuck with it. 

Chick flicks bug me too. Prior to my watching  2 in the last 8 months I haven’t seen one for over a decade. After all, I already have 2 GREAT LOVE stories that would put Chick flicks to shame so why bother?  

Yesterday’s blog is called, Mr. Wonderful. Here’s the link,

Thank you for reading A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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