What Is Mercury Retrograde?

Hi Everyone,

The first time I heard about Mercury Retrograde was last Friday while the hairstylist was doing my hair for set. He was telling the stylist beside him how his pay cheque was cashed by someone else by mistake. After a few minutes of my overhearing their conversation, (because I was sitting right there!), I waited for a break and asked, “What is Mercury Retrograde?”

As I listened to his answer, I thought, “Yep! That’s been my life for the last two weeks!” This is what I mean.

For the last two weeks, my life as I know it has been UP IN THE AIR!!! My intuition has been in HIGH GEAR, like RED ALERT!!! Since then I have been reacting purely to my gut, intuition. Part of that was my being very quiet, secretive. An example of this is when I gave my Ex an approximate date for my returning home. Am I keeping secrets from my Ex? Absolutely not! I didn’t tell him when I would be returning home, because I didn’t know when I would be leaving. BUT, BUT I knew days in advance why I would be leaving, I just didn’t know when or for how long.

Everything was a mess. That’s the only way to describe it. I got to my hotel, left for dinner, but thought that I should check the door and realized that it didn’t lock behind me. I had to call the front desk for them to lock it. That happened 99% of the time for when I left my room. If I wasn’t running somewhere, I was completely lost. It took me forever to get my Chinese food my first night.

The first morning I woke up feeling strange. I felt like a cross between being extremely hung-over and having my brains LITERALLY screwed out of me. Had I of been drinking the night before I could accept feeling hung-over but I didn’t have even one drink.

Nor did I sleep with anyone. It was just me, myself, and I in the king size bed. Promiscuity is for other people. Besides, THAT city always has me thinking of sex. That’s why one of the books I packed was THAT book. (For anyone who doesn’t know what I mean, here’s a link to a blog referring to it, http://arebelsrant.com/are-you-ready-for-valentines-day/)

Did I have delays? YES!!! With everything, anything and everyone. People took forever buying their tickets. IF I caught the right mode of transportation the first time I was ecstatic. If I didn’t I had to back track and pay through the nose to get to where I needed to go. Anytime I asked someone for directions, they either didn’t know or sent me the wrong way. People either helped me or completely confused me! Everything was either working perfectly or not at all.

Even speaking with my Ex was getting complicating. One day while I was away, I dialed a wrong the number which is INSANE because I have all his numbers tattooed into my brain! When I finally got it right, I left him a message, he called me back, but I couldn’t get to my cell phone in time because I was working on getting somewhere. When we did finally speak, I was at a busy intersection, then a car alarm went off and I could barely hear him.

I wanted to spend one more night, but couldn’t because I had a chance of getting on set the next day. But even then I didn’t know for sure. I cancelled the extra night at the hotel, waited for my agent to get back to me, called my doctor’s office because one of the men on set said my incision looked like it was infected and I left. The second I got home, I dropped everything, changed, and left it in less than 10 minutes only to miss the bus and wait 30 minutes for the next one. At some point, I got confirmed for set, so as I was unpacking from one thing I began packing for another. I did a lot of packing and unpacking in the last two weeks.

Did I sleep? BARELY! Did I eat? RARELY! Before I heard of the Mercury Retrograde, I would have said that my life was hell but now I know better. Why? Well, there have many other times in my life when I have experienced this. Have I noticed every time? Not really. But as I think back, it all makes sense. If this doesn’t make sense to you, here are some websites to help how Mercury in Retrograde can and will affect you. Here are the links. The first is for the Farmer’s Almanac,




Just so everyone knows Mercury reaches its full retrograde at 9:07 am TODAY!!! So back up all of your computer info and take extra precautions. If the people around you are becoming a bit crazy, just ignore them. They don’t know what they are doing. It’s not them, it’s Mercury Retrograde.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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One thought on “What Is Mercury Retrograde?

  1. Hi! Thanks for the blog. Never thought that the planets could affect people like that. It has really helped me understand what’s been going on with me lately.

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