What Is The Cost Of Dead Beat Parents?

Hi Everyone,

Okay, I’m not going to even pretend that I know all the socio-economic costs of Dead Beat Parents. For one there are too many factors involved. I could get into almost all of them but I simply don’t have the time today. Maybe in the future I will expand on this blog, but for now this is what I will share with you. Here we go.

For one, if anyone has read any of my past blogs this week, then you would know that I am taking my daughter’s father to court for what is called retroactive child support as per the Child Support Guidelines with interest as per the Justice Act. The reason I am doing this is because he, in my opinion, is and has been, a Dead Beat Dad for almost two decades! Just so everyone knows that is nothing to be proud of as a Dead Beat Dad, his now wife, one or both of his parents, any of his siblings, or for any of his nieces or nephews.

The reason I have included his immediate and extended family in the above is because Dead Beat Parents rarely act alone. If they did they would have a very low success rate, so they have to involve other people, just as I firmly believe, my daughter’s father has. If you read my blog called, What I Said On Tuesday July 30, 2013, then you would remember that I tried REPEATEDLY to find my daughter’s father via his parents, his nephew, his sister etc., but to no avail. ALL of them protected him, a “supposedly” grown man, before protecting my daughter’s best interests, who was a child at the time and the first granddaughter which meant something to the family until child support became an issue.

I am telling you this because that is EXACTLY one way how Dead Beat Parents get away with what they do! It’s disgusting! And in my opinion, so are the people who protect them! Just so everyone knows, I am also of the belief that when parents and other family members protect DEAD BEAT PARENTS, that there are one or more parent-child relationship issues that the family has allowed to be carried into everyone’s (supposed) adult life, thereby, never really allowing their once child to actually “grow-up” regardless of their biological age.

Another way that Dead Beat Parents get away with what they do is by WORKING the court system to their financial benefit! Now just so everyone knows, going to court is expensive for EVERYONE!!! So even if you, yourself, aren’t going to court you, if you are a taxpayer, you are paying for every time a DEAD BEAT PARENT, initiates court proceedings, doesn’t show, thereby being in what is called contempt of court, or decides to DRAG court proceedings far beyond what they should be by not providing the financial disclosure they are supposed to or acting accordingly.  Unfortunately, this is easily done, because if the court system as a whole, worked like a finely tuned machine they could not, and would not get away with what they do! If you haven’t read yesterday’s blog, I would encourage you to do so, because I am of the view that our legal/court system is a very broken machine!

Dead beat parents are tricky and will USE every trick in the book to get what they want regardless of how their actions affect others. In my opinion, they are a breed of narcissistic, self-serving individuals who border line on having sociopathic and/or psychopathic tendencies. Because really, who in their right mind would REPEATEDLY put their own interests before their child’s! Even if parents don’t see their children, they, under the Family Law Act of Canada, are legally obligated to put  their interests aside for the benefit of their one or more children. So anytime, a payor parent financially benefits themselves on the backs of their one or more children, they are, according to laws that govern our land, a DEAD BEAT PARENT!

If anyone who has read any of my past blogs thinks that my daughter’s father is the POSTER CHILD for a DEAD BEAT parent, then we agree on at least that. In my opinion, he is and he has been allowed to behave in that way because he has been raised to. BUT if you think he is alone, think again! Every DEAD BEAT PARENT, in my opinion, has been raised to behave in one or more ways to think of only themselves and that lack of ethics, moral compass and empathy COSTS everyone money!

Had I of not known that social assistance, is what I believe to be an economic trap that can breed generational conditioning that in turn decreases ones opportunities, then you my dear taxpayers of Ontario would have been giving me money on a regular basis, all because of the actions of my daughter’s father and his family! BUT not everyone shares my beliefs regarding social assistance. That is why, so many people give up and become part of the welfare system, when DEAD BEAT PARENTS, choose to behave in the one or more ways that they do.

So here is a recap. DEAD BEAT PARENTS costs every taxpayer money when they do and do not go to court, when they put their own interests first by hiding money and financially oppressing their children’s rights, which in turn, decreases their child’s opportunities of becoming productive members of society, when the recipient parent gives up and allows themselves to become part of the welfare system.

I would like to say that my daughter is, and always has been a productive member of society. That means, that not only did I not allow myself to become part of the welfare system, I also refused to allow my daughter to become part of it too! Just for that, I think that the taxpayers of Ontario should be thanking me, because welfare/social assistance/ mother’s allowance or whatever you want to call it, over one or more decades is A LOT of TAXPAYERS’ MONEY!!!

If you know of a DEAD BEAT PARENT, I would encourage you to think twice about helping them deceive the courts and the taxpayers. It’s your money and your Karma!

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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