Who Are These People?

Hi Everyone,

Today is the first day that people can legally smoke marijuana in Canada. If I didn’t have such an aversion to drugs, I might consider lighting up. This is what I mean.

On Monday of this week, I stopped by the Indigo book store at the Eaton Centre to look around. The first section I usually go to is the remainders because there is generally a few great books at great prices. Instead of just walking into the corner where the remainders are sold, I had to walk up the aisle. The reason was because two females, who looked like they were in their mid-twenties, we sitting on the floor. One female had the head of a male in her lap. He was sprawled on the floor having a nap. And he looked like he, too, was in his mid-twenties. I am serious.

Now I understand. Indigo is a great store. It is clean and relatively quiet. BUT that does not mean that people can just lie on the floor and have naptime. You want to have a nap, go home. If that’s too far, get a room at the Marriot. It is convenienently located right beside the Eaton Centre. I told an employee and they went to the back corner and spoke to the people who decided Indigo was their home away from home. According to the employee, the above happens a lot.

Today I went to the Bulk Barn. As I was walking up an aisle I noticed this guy. He looked like he just crawled out from under the dirtiest rock in the universe. He was also tossing candy into his mouth. Since the candy wasn’t in a bag I am guessing it was unpaid and his hands were filthy! Actually every second inch of him was filthy! For anyone who doesn’t know, the Bulk Barn has most of their products in plastic bins that usually need a scoop to take out. I am telling you this because I am pretty sure this guy, who looked like he hadn’t bathed in days upwards of double-digits, just stuck his hand in clean bins from where you or I would get our nuts or candy and decided he would do a bit of free taste testing. I went to a staff member and they followed the guy until he left the store. According to the employee, that guy was, “….the third one of the day.” It wasn’t even 5pm.

If that guy could get past the security of Costco would he be in heaven or hell? Heaven because of all the freebies, or hell because he couldn’t just reach and take what he wanted, when he wanted? Who am I kidding? That guy would never make it to Costco’s parking lot!

Right after that I head to Loblaws. As I am heading to where I need to go, I see this well-heeled woman. She is pointing and speaking to the clerk behind the counter and plastic partition. It acts like a sneeze guard. The closer I get the more misunderstandings seem to take place. For whatever reason the well-heeled woman has decided to put her hand between the plastic partition, slash sneeze guard and point to the exact chicken finger that she wants. Her hand was hovering a few hairnets above the platter. I am serious.

How that female managed to fit her hand in between that small space is just short of one of the wonders of the world. Okay that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but really? Isn’t a chicken finger a chicken finger? Especially since all of the chicken fingers are all on the same platter?

Who are these people? I mean really who sleeps on the floor of a busy book store with their head on someone else’s lap and why did she allow it? Would you do that? I get the guy in the Bulk Barn. I see entitled and quite angry people eating, slash stealing all the time. But the well-heeled woman who in my opinion, looked like she should she know better, sticking her hand between the plastic partition to point at a piece of wanna-be chicken was a bit much even for me. I mean really, how do all the other pieces of chicken strips feel?

This blog could have also been called, What Are You Entitled To? but I forget what part of that blog I left off at. As usual, I could go on, yet I won’t.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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