Why Am I Paying For This?

Why Am I Paying For This?

Hi Everyone,

Even if I wanted a criminal record, I am not sure I could arrange it. This is what I mean.

There are certain parts of Toronto where a growing number of people do not pay for the TTC. Since this fact has been in the news several times, even more people refuse to pay for transit. I get that. I don’t always want to pay for transit, yet I do. I have seen ticket collectors on the verge of chasing people down one second yet at the next, letting people walk through the gates without looking for a transfer, or money in their box. Not one really does anything. Sure they may look like they care, yet IMHO, they really don’t.

The same goes for stores. I have seen countless people steal from the LCBO yet not one employee does anything about it. I get that too. If someone is going to steal alcohol they either really need it because they are an alcoholic, or they are going to sell it because they really need something else. Like drugs. Has anyone seen someone jonesing? It’s not pretty. Actually it’s scary because they can be pretty violent. LCBO employees, the security guards they hire and even some police officers let criminals walk all the time. It pisses me and a lot of other people off but nothing changes. It’s been this way for years.

The same goes for other stores and I can assure you that they too have the same policy as the TTC and the LCBO. If you can’t act like you didn’t see it, then do your best to ignore anything else you see. Stare at the floor, the counter or if all else fails the employee door. No one is going to call the police because no one is going to do anything. Go about your day is what they will say. I and a growing number of people see it all the time.

Even though I could steal from stores and get away with it, I don’t. As much as it frustrates me at times to watch people shoplifting, overall I like being honest. It let’s me sleep at night. I don’t have to look over my shoulder. I don’t have   concern myself with what other people think because I know who I am. And I like that. Besides, I believe in Karma and she’s a bitch.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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