Why You Should Live Drama Free

Hi Everyone,

Okay so we are seven days into the New Year. If you aren’t Orthodox, then all of your holidays are over. You’ve seen, spoken to, and contacted everyone you thought you needed to. If you didn’t then someone let you know. Let the drama begin. Here’s today’s blog.

For anyone who is new to my blog, drama is not my thing. I hate it more than shopping. And yes, I know hate is a strong word. I like to take a stand and say things as I see them. Drama is stupid. I am serious. I swear so many people get caught up in it, that they can’t even see it for what it is; a waste of time, energy and passion.

We’ve all been caught up in some level of drama and we’ve all been passionate about how we feel, why we feel the way we do, and how that person made us feel. The emotions behind our (chosen) drama are like drama—endless.  But here is the rub. We really do chose to participate in it and we don’t have to. I am serious. Just walk away, don’t pick up the telephone, and don’t visit their Face Book page, just stay away from them. If anyone asks why you aren’t speaking with so and so, just look at them and don’t say a word. Practicing a couple looks before hand is highly recommended.

If I sound harsh, then so be it. A lot of people cause and/or create their own drama because they live for it! If there was nothing dramatic happening in their lives they would emotionally starve! They need to be the centre of attention and they want you to know it. They also want you to be a part of it.

They will contact you. If you are unavailable, they will contact someone who knows you. Oh the stories, the drama they will tell you and anyone who will listen. The tone of voice they will use. Other people and their opinions will all be voiced, whether you want to hear it or not. When that happens, run like all of the hair on your body is on fire! Run like your life depends on it! Get and stay away. The drama is not worth your time, your energy. Be passionate about something else. This is why.

If you choose to get caught up in drama, you are also choosing to participate in someone else’s life and not your own. So what is more important? Your life, your dreams, your future or someone else’s? I’m serious. Do you want to put your life on hold because someone else can never hold it together? Because someone always has to have something going on or talking about someone and it’s rarely good? Do you really want to do that to yourself, to your dreams, to your future? Think about that.

Think about you and your life. Think about all of the time, energy and passion that you could be putting towards your life, your dreams, and your future if you weren’t filling your life with someone else’s. Just stay away from drama that most likely wouldn’t exist if everyone had their head screwed on right and tight.

The above does not mean that nothing gets discussed. Things happen all the time. Tragedies should be mourned, triumphs should be celebrated, and things have to get done. Life goes on. But life should go on as you decide. The choice is always up to you.

I am not saying to just cut people off without a reason. What I am saying is be mindful of your time. Be mindful of who you allow into your life and why. Maybe all the person needs is someone to listen, someone to perk them up when they are down. We all need that. We are human. We all go through things. We also all have to pick our poison.

That means, that if you would rather hang on to people who aren’t adding value to your life, who are always dragging you down with their drama, who always have you at their beck and call, you’re living their life not yours. Sometimes you just have to let people go and let them figure it out on their own. Sometimes you are better off being alone then having them and their drama in your life.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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