…You Can’t Make Them Think!

Hi Everyone,

As an information junkie, I use a wide variety of sources for the information that I seek. But I’ve noticed that just like, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink, you can tell someone something but you can’t make them think!

I know this because I’ve tried to help people many times. The majority of them have decided to do their own thing. Now I do my own thing. Instead of wasting my time and energy, I now sit back, watch and listen. Not only is my life easier, I’ve also learned a lot. Sometimes, I even find the things that people say hilarious!

I think, “Wow, great delivery! It looks like everyone, but me, is buying what you are selling. You are quiet the salesperson.” I always think other things too, but I’m keeping that to myself. ;D

Do I periodically feel like commenting or interjecting? Yeah. But at the end of the day people are going to do what they are going to do and listen to whoever about whatever. And that is why I wrote this blog.

I am URGING YOU to inform yourself and question those you listen to. There are a lot of people selling a lot of misinformation for their benefit, not yours!

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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