“You’re Not My Mother!”

Hi Everyone,

Happy Monday! It’s been a busy weekend for celebrations in Ontario. We had our first Friday the 13th, (the next is in four weeks) Saturday was St. Valentine’s Day, Sunday was Flag Day, (50 years and going strong!) and today, Monday, is Family Day.  It has also been freezing cold the whole time! Before anyone gets (more) thoughts of, let’s say, “indoor sports,” please read this blog. This is why.

After looking at a constant mess that someone insisted on leaving behind everywhere they and their friends went, I finally asked them to clean up after themselves. They yelled, “You’re not my mother!” I shot back with, “That’s right! And I don’t feel like raising you either!” because I don’t.

I have already raised my daughter. If I wanted to raise more children I am sure I could have arranged it. I could have had more children or become a counsellor. But I didn’t because I didn’t want to.

The person I asked to clean up after themselves is not a child. They have been over 18, which legally makes them an adult, for at least four years. And they chose to be in an adult environment. To me, that means that they should behave in a somewhat adult-like manner. But they don’t. They won’t. Months later they still choose on continuing their behaviour. Unfortunately, their behaviour has been and continues to negatively affecting everyone else.

I am telling you this because I am not the only person who has raised a child to pick up after themselves, and behave properly in varying environments. There are a lot of parents out there who have done it too. But there are also people out there who haven’t.

I have already done my part, my job. I am not going to do someone else’s. If people are willing to procreate, they should prepare themselves 100 per cent, for the responsibilities of their actions.

Every circumstance, child is different yet every child is a product of their environment. Picking up after one’s self, respecting those around them and their environment is pretty basic stuff. Anytime I am pissed off I’ll say, “A half-witted five-year-old could figure that out,” because it’s true. A lot of children know that without being told and adults should not have to be told. But they do. Because they don’t.

If morals, ethics, and what society as a whole considers to be proper behaviour aren’t instilled, drilled into a child’s head at a young age, they will be told, and perhaps, made to behave whether they like it or not. That also means that the person or people who were supposed to raise the (adult) child may not like it either.

If I were dating or involved with someone who had children, of any age, I’d want to meet them right away. It would be the best way for me to see just what they are about, how they were raised and if I had to raise them beyond their 18th birthday. I would like to know how much of a burden they would or could be. If that sounds mean than so be it. Again, I’ve done my part. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who hasn’t done theirs. Some people are really great at selling themselves by over promising while they under perform. Not everyone considers that before they enter into a relationship they can’t find the exit for.

I could go on about this for another 10,000 words. And who knows, I might. It just won’t be now. I am tired of typing, thinking and dealing with people who can’t, won’t grow up! That also includes the people who have chosen not to raise themselves before they decided to have children of their own!

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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