Are You Ready to Shop Offline?

Hi Everyone,

For anyone who doesn’t know me, shopping is not my thing. This is why.

If you have ever worked at a retail job, then you know that the one thing you can count on is people not being prepared. The number of people who can’t get their act together is growing. They don’t know what they want, why they want what they do and if they actually do work out, figure out what to buy for who and why, there are always people who can’t pay for what they wasted so much time deciding on. If this sounds like you, I have one question, “Why?”

Why do people go to a store, or anywhere, and not have their shit together? Why waste your and everyone else’s time? If you don’t think you are annoying, or inconveniencing someone, I am just going to say it, you are. And you are not just annoying or inconveniencing to me, you are annoying and inconveniencing to pretty much everyone else too.

I mean, do you really think everyone in the line behind, or beside you, believes that the bank made a mistake when you (try) to use your debit card? They don’t and neither does the cashier. That also means that no one believes you when you are “having a problem” with your credit card either.

Not having enough money for one or two small priced items, like under $5 is normal. A lot of people forget about tax or make a mistake adding, even if they are rounding. BUT to not have enough money for over three small priced things is well, stupid. And we have all been that person so we know how embarrassing it can be. It is even worse to be that person at Christmas time. But to be that person a few or more times a year? Seriously? I don’t want to know who are, or be anywhere near you when you do that, but I do want to know, just how did you get to the store? Did someone hold your hand? Is your chaperone waiting somewhere (hopefully) close by?

Yes, this is a pet peeve of mine. I also don’t like it when people don’t have their act together in everyday life. Now that I am a non-smoker, I don’t have to deal with people who, forgot their smokes, didn’t have time to buy them, etc. or simply don’t have a light. Now if someone asks me something, I can ignore them. And I do, all the time! With some people their life is one excuse after another.

If you ever want to learn about people get a job in retail for Christmas. It may drive you to drink and smoke but it is the best lesson in human nature you’ll ever get and you’ll get paid too.

For anyone who doesn’t want to be that person, make a list, check it at least once, know your PIN for everything, have cash and a debit and or credit card in case something breaks down so you and at the people you are with won’t.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D


One thing about having a job in retail is that a lot of people you may not like, or even know, go to your job and check you out. It may be because somebody likes you and not them and they, insecure as they are, need to fill their empty, anxious, self-doubting souls with dirt on you. Some people can’t feel even slightly good about themselves unless they are tearing someone else apart. Trust me. It happens. And the more insecure the person is, the more it happens. Don’t be that person either. People aren’t stupid. We know. Whether we are at work, at night school or volunteering. We always know.

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