Does The Damsel, or Mansel, in Distress Really Need Your Help?

Hi Everyone,

I can almost bet that the damsel, or mansel, (the male version of a damsel) does not need your help and whatever they are asking of you is one big con. This is what I mean.

If I have met a mansel in distress, I don’t know about it and I am okay with that. I mean really, I have enough going on in my life. I don’t have the time or energy to rescue a man from himself, or his circumstances. Boys need to be rescued. Men figure things out. That also means that damsels are in my opinion, little girls. That is not a compliment.

No self-respecting woman wants to be thought of as a little girl. Little girls are a burden. They need to be rescued more than once and usually in a variety of circumstances. Little girls are a lot of work! Everyone has to think for them and pick up the pieces of their life because they can’t. Or can they?

Every damsel in distress that I have met has used their feminine wiles or every con they have been taught to get others to “help them”. It happens all the time. The interesting thing is once the damsel in distress has pulled one con, another appears!

One morning I said, “Fass-innnnn-attttteeee-ing! What’s next? Is everyone going to start paying her rent too!” As the man I was speaking to replied, “No,” I was saying, “I’ve had it with damsels in distress! How is it that she was perfectly capable of doing that all by herself for what? Weeks, months? And now everyone has to “help her”? In my head I was thinking, “She’s got you guys coming and going! Seriously!” Seriously pissed off, I stormed off!

No one enjoys seeing someone they like, care about, being taken advantage of. The only person who doesn’t mind is the user, con artist, a.k.a. damsel in distress. Not everyone wants to tell someone they’re being used though. I clearly had no problem. I’ve seen a lot of damsels in distress and if it is one thing I know, FOR SURE it’s that one con ALWAYS leads to another. If given an inch the damsel, or mansel, will gladly take eighteen and half miles.

The reason I asked, “Is everyone going to start paying her rent too?” is because this damsel in distress told me several times, “I had to use my credit card to pay for it.” Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

The second someone “has to use” their credit card or other funds they wouldn’t normally use to buy say clothes or alcohol, both of which are not necessities, open your eyes, grab your wallet, and run like all the hairs on your body are on fire! Once you are out of harms way, even if you don’t drink coffee, grab one and fill your lungs with its scent. Congratulations! You have just saved yourself and quite possibly, everyone you know a ton of money and grief. If you didn’t heed my warning, I have three words for you, “Good F%*kin$ Luck!” You have just (unofficially) adopted a little girl, a.k.a. damsel in distress.

Before everyone thinks I am being mean, or colder than Toronto’s predicted weather forecast for December, I would like you think about the damsels, or mansels, in distress that you have met or heard about over your lifetime. You see? Helping, the triple arms-length version of rescuing someone, and rescuing someone are two very different things. Proceed with caution. A damsel in distress is really a damsel who stresses everyone out. The above is true for mansels too!

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D


I know of one damsel in distress that not only didn’t pay her rent, her landlady cleaned the basement apartment she rented to her, (rent-free for months), while watching the damsels’ daughter for free too. When some people are always making, or buying friends at the bar, they can’t always make their rent or buy the necessities. Just for the record, this con started off very slowly.

Years ago, just before Christmas, one mansel, who earned a very good salary working for CP Rail, convinced one of my friends, a single mother with an issue or two, to lend him $500 to fix the roof of the house he owned. He never paid her back.

I have loads of other examples but my life is getting shorter all the time and this blog has taken longer than I thought to write.


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