Are You Watching Too Much TV?

Hi Everyone,

This is like part two to my last blog. This is what I mean.

There have been times in my life where TV, movies, YouTube videos, or the like have been a larger part of my life than I would like to admit. Most of you know what I mean.  A lot of us have wasted hours watching something on a screen. Hugh Grant said that he watched TV for about two years straight. If actors aren’t immune to endless hours of TV, how can we be? I am not exactly where I want to be, yet I am getting there.

One way of accomplishing this is to not have cable, or a satellite. I rely on whatever channels my indoor antenna can give me. Which thankfully is a nice selection of the major TV stations for Canada. Now I will admit that I was a little upset when I saw the scrawler on CTV stating that they were going to change their frequency on April 29th, and that people with antennas or satellites were going to have to reprogram their TVs. Since I watch very little TV anyway I had to really think about what programs CTV offered. You know, the ones I would miss, if I wanted to see them. And I have to tell you, the list was short. Like less than five programs. So I never bothered to investigate it further. When April 29th rolled around, and I remembered that CTV was no longer available, I watched what I would normally watch. Realistically, I listened to what I would normally listen to, since I rarely watch anything. My TV is really for background noise. Kind of like what Elvis did, but I don’t feel lonely.

Somehow CTV made its way back into my handful of channels without any help from me. To this day I have no idea how it happened but it did. I listen to the news every once in a while. That includes their morning program. You know the one I like yet can’t remember what it is called. I just don’t make time for TV. I don’t have a favourite show that I need to watch. I like Big Brother, the Canadian and all the American variations. If I am racing home because it is on, it is really because I am using it as an excuse to clean. Every once in a while I will remember a show with an, “Oh yea, that’s on tonight,” but TV, or well screen time is not really my thing. Getting out and about when I can and reading, or well listening to an audio book are for me.

The weather is getting warmer, the layers are coming off and well, if you can drag yourself, or the other people in your life away from whatever screen has their attention, get outside! Read a book or at the very least, listen to an audio book. Your body and brain will thank you!

And thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

P.S. It is a proven fact that poor people watch a lot of TV. If your bank account isn’t where you would like it to be, turn off the TV and get your brain going.

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