Because I HATE…

Hi Everyone,

For anyone who doesn’t already know I HATE drama and I HATE to be inconvenienced. And I know that hate is a strong word, but I feel strongly about the above.  I can pretty much stop drama in its tracks so that is really no longer a concern. However, my hatred towards being inconvenienced is not easily addressed. This is what I mean.

I have a semi-obsession with the weather because the majority of my life revolves around it. Every errand on my daily-to-do list is planned around the temperature, what time it is supposed to rain, snow, or be sunny. Most times I map out my next few days or even week by what the weather person on the nightly news says. This would be great if the forecast was always right, but as we all know, it rarely is. The weather has a mind of its own.

Since I can’t control the weather, I go to what I sometimes call, “great lengths,” to avoid being inconvenienced later. Later can be two days or two weeks.  That by the way is like a double-edged sword because that can be inconvenient. I constantly grapple with what I should do meaning building my life versus what I need to do to now to prevent myself from being inconvenienced at a future date. Parts of my days or full days get moved around all the time. For the most part I am okay with that. Things happen. Life is not perfect. No one can control the weather. I get it.

So why do I do this? Answer: I know myself very well. If I don’t have everything I need for wherever I am or am going to, I will get BITCHY! Being bitchy is not an attractive quality. Anytime I feel myself getting bitchy, I actually get bitchier as the day goes on. Not pretty. Bitchy is never fun for me or the people around me. FEW people like to be around anyone who is in a foul mood. I avoid being bitchy as much as I avoid drama and being inconvenienced since that, for me anyway, always leads to my being bitchy.

I HATE having to ask someone for things that I know I should have and I HATE when people ask me for things that, in my mind, they too should have. (On December 15th, I posted a blog called, I HATE To Be Inconvenienced. Here’s the link, )

Just the other day while on set, I was sitting beside a man on bench. Every 30 minutes I would tell him that I was cold. After about 2 hours, he patiently said, “You know, you’ve been saying that a lot.” My flat response was, “I know. Just be thankful I brought my blanket because I’d be saying it a lot more.” We dropped the subject. But see how being prepared comes in handy? Exactly!

There’s a delay with the train, bus, subway whatever, okay. I can handle that because it’s called life. Things happen. I’ll just sit wherever and read, write or talk. If I didn’t hear an announcement maybe I’ll ask someone when the next whatever is going to arrive or leave. If the situation is really bad, then I’ll ask for the fastest way to get me to where I need to go. As long as I have everything I need, I’m calm and calm keeps me happy. It’s really simple.

And that leads us to tomorrow’s blog. It is not a light Sunday blog. Some people may want to buckle-up.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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