I HATE to be Inconvenienced!

Hi Everyone,

On December 11, 2012 I posted a blog called, Doomsday Preppers. (Here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/doomsday-preppers/) Unless you are prepared for some harsh realities, I suggest you read that blog before you read this one. This is what I mean.

When I blogged about Doomsday Preppers, it was my polite way of saying that I HATE to be inconvenienced. That is why I am prepared for a lot of things.

Anytime I move I ensure that I will be within a short walking distance of the amenities. If I am getting low on something that need I either get it from my storage cupboard or I purchase it as soon as I can. I hate to run out of things.

The night before I need to go somewhere, I lay out ALL my clothes, have my bag packed and by the door. My handbag sits by the door too and it has everything in it that I consider to be important. If it is not important, I don’t pack it. If it is important I sometimes pack a bit more. Why do I do this? I like to be prepared. Why do I like to be prepared? I HATE to be inconvenienced. But here is the twist.

I also do this because I don’t like to inconvenience others. When I inconvenience myself, I am also inconveniencing other people who are prepared. Inconveniencing others is always a fine line. Here’s an example.

Because I smoke, I’ll use the lowest form of currency to a smoker, cigarettes. If you do not smoke, use someone not keeping their word, not being ready when you agreed to give them a ride, not paying you the money that they owe you on time or ever. The list is endless and so are the excuses. Back to the example.

I like to smoke so I ensure that I have cigarettes, a lighter and money with me at all times in case I run out of cigarettes. That way I don’t have to inconvenience myself by having to ask someone for a cigarette or a light. Unfortunately some smokers do not deem smoking important enough to them to buy cigarettes so they choose not to purchase them. Not having a light is not the end of the world. Smokers will give you a light, but they will not always give you a cigarette. 

So yesterday someone asked to bum a smoke. I said no. Partly because they used the word bum. That says a lot right there! Then they asked if they could buy a smoke. I said yes. Hours later they asked if they could buy another smoke. Again I said yes. The excuses started.

They ran out of time, couldn’t get to the store, couldn’t find a place to buy cigarettes because they handed out too many cigarettes the other day. I just looked at them and said, “That’s a cop-out answer. Cigarettes are important to me. I made a point of bringing mine. If cigarettes were important to you, you would have made a point to buy and bring yours.” They started with the cop-out answers all over again. Recognizing that they weren’t going to get anywhere with me they finally shut up.

Their being unprepared and asking to first bum and then buy a cigarette was an inconvenience to me. I didn’t want to start my day like that. I also  didn’t want to set a precedent of, “Need a smoke? Look for me!” Not only did they interrupt a part of my day twice, they also tried to guilt trip me with, “I handed out too many cigarettes the other day.” So now your the generous one and I’m stingy? Interesting.

If someone isn’t prepared for something as small as cigarettes, how will they be prepared for something bigger? If someone isn’t prepared when there isn’t an emergency or need to be prepared, how will they behave when there is an emergency or a need? Do people just expect to be taken care of? According to people who chose to be unprepared the answer is yes.

If you don’t think about these things I do. Actions speak louder than words.  Everything we do is a choice.

So if anyone hassles you about not giving them a cigarette, leaving because they weren’t ready at the time that you mutually agreed to, or that you won’t lend them money because they didn’t pay you back at the time that you mutually agreed to or that you did something else because they didn’t keep their word, or whatever, blame me! I mean that!

Tell them you read this blog and that you are no longer buying what they are selling! I can handle it. I’m tough like that. If they can’t handle it, that is their problem. Don’t make it yours!

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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