Book: A Beautiful Terrible Thing, by Jen Waite

Hi Everyone,

It took me a while to want to read this book, yet I am glad that I did. This is what I mean.

When I read the title for Jen Waite’s book, A Beautiful Terrible Thing, I thought okay. It was the subtitle, A Memoir of Marriage and Betrayal, that had me questioning if I really wanted to read it. After about 20 minutes of looking at it, moving it from one spot to the next and then finally reading the back cover I decided why not. What was the worst that could happen? If I didn’t like it, I would donate it.

Now that I have read it I am keeping it—forever. So yes, I will be rereading this book at least twice in this lifetime. And I am highly recommending that everyone read it or listen to the audiobook version of it read by the author, Jen Waite at least once. This book is amazing on so many levels. I could not put it down.

The part that interested me the most was when Jen’s therapist indicated that it is the way that people choose to filter data. My take on that (please forgive me as I have read several books since then) is how we see red flags but instead of stopping or at the very least slowing down, we choose to keep going or in some cases speeding up.  How even as our alarm is going off, we keep hitting snooze so we can prolong our dream, when the alarm is really telling us to literally wake up.  The dream that we are holding on to is really a nightmare.

Jen Waite’s book, A Beautiful Terrible Thing, is very relatable.  We have all had a relationship, even if it was a friendship, (or a job) that we knew we had to get out of yet didn’t. For whatever one or more reasons (we may or may not know), we let people who weren’t good for us continue to be a part of our lives.

Do I believe that Jen’s husband, Marco, could very well be a sociopath/psychopath? Yes. Keep in mind that I am not an expert. It wasn’t until I read the last section that included Jen’s therapist that I saw a pattern. Sociopaths and/or psychopaths are very good at deceiving and manipulating others. I hate to say it, but sometimes it pays to pay very close attention to what the people in our lives are doing and saying. People leave clues, we just have to clue in to what is really going on.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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