Drug Use vs Vanity

Hi Everyone,

This blog could also be called, Does Drug Use Stay with You? Because it does. This is what I mean.

Okay so the first thing I would like to do is to remind everyone is that I haven’t so much as smoked pot, hash or oil in about 27, 28 or more years. I did take, or as they (used to) say dropped acid. The reason that I never took addictive drugs is that I started watching 60 Minutes when I was either 9 or 10 rarely missing a Sunday. I even watched the reruns. I also read A LOT of books. With all of that information not only did drug use not make sense to me, at 16 I had a pretty good idea of what it would do to my body and my life. That was long before some of the drugs below were even created.

And that is what I don’t get, even if people don’t know, can’t see first hand what drugs will do to them, why don’t they look it up online? We do so many other things online, like post selfies, try to show how great we are via Snap Chat, why would people in the age of vanity decide to destroy themselves? This is what I mean.

Cracked Voice—When people are on crack their voices literally crack and sound raspy, gruff, rough like sandpaper. If people smoke enough crack they are left voiceless because they have destroyed their voice box aka larynx.

Cracked Face—Okay there are two things that I have noticed about people who use crack. Either their face is riddled with deep set wrinkles, giving them a cracked face that is only exaggerated because of their dirt lines or their faces are smooth almost translucent and look like a portrait. I have only seen the latter a few times, but I see cracked faces all over Toronto.  Oh and for anyone who believes that, “Black don’t crack,” hasn’t seen a person of colour who smokes crack. “Black cracks when Black smokes crack.”

Meth Mouth—Missing and rotting teeth, half-teeth or just the roots of teeth or a combination are what people call Meth Mouth but this can also happen from also using heroin. Or at least those are the two most common drugs that leave that lasting effect. People who use drugs to the point of forgetting about their personal hygiene will get Meth Mouth.

Heroin Hands—The medical term for this is Puffy or Swollen Hands and it came about in 1965. I call the enlarged hands Heroin Hands because it is easy for me to remember. And that is the thing, when people are shooting up with heroin and they don’t have a tourniquet they remember to use, shoot up in their hands or feet.

Heroin Hits—These marks are really open wounds that never heal and they are generally found on a person’s arms. If they are right handed the Heroin Hits will be on their left arm and vice versa. The reason that the open wounds never heal is that heroin users will pick at their Heroin Hits, places they have tried to inject, even years after they have stopped using heroin.

Meth Marks—These are like the Heroin Hits but they can be found anywhere on the body. The face is the most visible and probably the most common since it is what we and the meth users see the most. The face is also one the easiest parts of the body to access and with a lack of hygiene, the place where people will break out in zits. People who use Crystal Meth will actually have crystal like pieces of the drug lodged in various parts of their bodies that they can feel. As it was explained to me, they feel itchy and they pick, poke and prod any and all parts of their body to get the “crystal” out of them. Not only will they will do this for hours they will use anything. Tweezers, knives, forks and fingernails are the most common.

The Shits—Drugs like crack, crystal meth and heroin make people constipated. Toxins build up in feces and urine. This is not good. Being constipated messes with the mind in that it can confuse people. I am serious. That is why they always want people to have a bowel movement or two before leaving the hospital. And the last thing anyone wants is for drug addicts is to be confused. One way to prevent this is to give constipated drug addicts laxatives. Since their bodies are so fragile from their lifestyle they are given baby laxatives. The problem with this is that one of the first things to go, be destroyed on the body of drug addicts is the bowels, (the other is the mouth and/or teeth). By giving baby laxatives to drug addicts whose bowels are already damaged to the point of them not knowing that they are having a bowel movement has people literally shitting themselves. Yes, you read that correctly. People literally shit themselves as they walk down the street. I am serious. I saw it. As I was walking along minding my own business a female, who looked like she was under 30, walking in the opposite direction passed me. Something about her didn’t seem right so I turned and saw what she didn’t know she was doing. I am serious.

Months later, right after I had a heated argument with someone about drug addicts, I was at a subway station and a female who smelled of shit sat beside me. She smelt SO BAD I had to stand and my legs were killing me. When the bus arrived, she sat in a seat. I am telling you this because months later, I was at a library. Before I sat I looked at the seat and there it was—more than a little shit was on the seat. It was fresh and it smelt! After I told a librarian, who had to clean it up, (cleaning up shit is now part their job description) I moved to the other side of the library. Now I always check any seat before I sit down. And I have gotten into the habit of sitting on newspapers when taking public transit too. I am serious.

Just for the record, people are given money, or as the government likes to call it, “a (adult) diaper allowance” and some of those people sell their adult diapers for drugs if they don’t use that money for drugs first. Again, I am serious.

Hollowed-Out—People who do drugs generally don’t have the best eating habits if they remember to eat at all. Over time as their bodies start to shrink because their bodies are literally eating away at their key organs and muscles, they being to look hollowed out. Like with the Heroin Hits, Meth Marks and The Shits, the Hollowed-Out look does not go away. It is almost like the body can’t fatten itself up. There are a few exceptions though. Remember Rob Ford the former mayor of Toronto? He was taped smoking crack and he was far from being Hollowed-Out. And that is the thing, some people can smoke crack and actually gain weight! This is rare.

And it is rare that a drug user, drug addict will only have one of the above side-effects of their drug use. Depending on how long a person has used drugs or been a drug addict they can have up to four or more. I am serious.

I could go on but I won’t. If you don’t get the picture, do an online search for any of the above to see what I mean, if you can’t get a visual. Drug use does stay with people. If people don’t stay away from drugs because they are bad for them, you would think that they would simply because they will look like shit! In an age of vanity, one would think that alone would keep people from doing drugs. Just saying.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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