With the Corona Virus, COVID-19, killing hundreds of people all over the world everyday one would think that some people would get it, but apparently not. Hence, COVIDIOTS!! Like the examples below.

Since last Friday was a bit on the warmer side, I will admit it, I took the long way home from the grocery store. As I sat on a bench, by myself, at Yonge and Dundas Square, a woman walked up to some people on the bench next to me and told them to social distance and go home. That woman, female, was not social distancing when she told others to. After they ignored her, she said she was doing a public service, that she clearly put upon herself. That female, also held a folded leash in her hand because, you guessed it, the leash was not attached to the collar of her dog. “Why don’t you put the leash on your dog and go home,” I said, “because your breaking the law with your dog not on the leash, you’re not social distancing and you’re pissing everyone off.” Instead of shutting up or putting her dog on a leash, she went up to another group of people. COVIDIOT and that brings me to my next example.

Late last week the city of Toronto said they were going to close playgrounds and off-leash (dog) parks to encourage physical distancing. When a news reporters asked some people walking in parks their thoughts, one guy said that he was still going to go to the park and keep his dog off-leash even if the off-leash park was closed because you know, the rules apply to everyone but him and his dog. It’s no mystery to me, why a lot of people don’t like dogs. A lot of owners are uncontrollable even during a global pandemic.

Speaking of uncontrollable people, since the city of Toronto announced they were going to close playgrounds, basketball and tennis courts, off-leash parks and anything else they deemed necessary, there have been a growing number of COVIDIOTS. COVIDIOTS have been filmed playing basketball, photographed taking down caution tape for playgrounds and children using them, because the rules apply to everyone else but them. Now that every level of government has finished pleading with COVIDIOTS, John Tory, the mayor of Toronto and Doug Ford, the premier of Ontario, are now starting to first card people and then possibly fine them $750 and more. Sadly, we all know even this measure won’t stop COVIDIOTS because once an idiot, always an idiot. This last one scares me the most.

On Tuesday March 25th, at about 8 pm, I grabbed a slice of pizza and took the shortest route to and from home. As I walked back, I noticed that there were somewhere between 20-25 people standing outside of Margaret’s. It is a drop-in centre by day and a homeless shelter by night. And that scares me and should scare everyone. Having 20-25 people standing no where near 2 metres or 6 feet apart, in front of a homeless shelter, less than a metre from the door is ridiculous, irresponsible, and a health risk to the community, who by the way, has been victimized by Margaret’s clientele for years. And now, with a global pandemic, the people who are claimed to be and claiming to be the most vulnerable, are increasing their chances of not only getting COVID-19, but of also spreading it! In case no one has been paying attention, homeless people now have even less places to go as a lot of shelters and drop-in centres have closed, so they are going to roam the streets even more. A lot of people don’t know this, but in Toronto and the surrounding area, every person who regularly lives in a homeless shelter was tested for COVID-19 between Monday March 16th to Friday March 20th. And the COVID-19 tests were fast tracked to prevent the spread of this highly contagious disease because the majority of people living in homeless shelters have underlining issues. What was the point of giving them and super-fast tracking the tests in an effort to keep them from spreading COVID-19, when they won’t practice physical distancing? And don’t tell me they weren’t told about it, because that would make you a COVIDIOT!!

As usual I could go on, yet I won’t. If you want to be a COVIDIOT, I, and clearly no one else, can stop you from being yourself.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  This is the only blog for today.    ;D

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