Do You Even Like Your Honey for the Holidays?

Do You Even Like Your Honey for the Holidays?

Hi Everyone,

Sometimes you run into people while you are running errands and the things they say are downright scary. This is what I mean.

Not long ago, I saw someone I only see two to three times a year. When I asked if they were getting ready for Christmas they told me they weren’t putting up a Christmas tree. It doesn’t take much to figure out that something is amiss when one half of a married couple isn’t putting up a Christmas tree. Okay who am I kidding, a lot of married, or well couples, put up Christmas trees and whatnots, go along with the Christmas charade and the hustle and bustle of the holidays when they can’t stand, sit and want to spit on each other. We’ve all seen it and some of us have lived it. You know, like person who prompted this blog. That situation is messy in more ways than I am about to reveal.

What I will say is that someone hasn’t been faithful. Yes, I know, that was a shocker. Someone also owes a lot of money. And no I am not maried to Captain Obvious. There is a child involved, health is a concern and they live in Toronto, one of the highest rental markets in North America. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse it got worse. Like a lot worse. After I said my series of Oh my Gods, I told them to claim bankruptcy and get divorced. Just for the record, I don’t believe anyone should claim bankruptcy unless of course they are in a situation like the one I have partially revealed. IMHO, everyone should pay all of the debts they incur in full. Anyway, …

This person has no way out. They also, again IMHO, have a false sense of resposiblilty for something I have not mentioned in this blog, while not taking responsibility for the debt they incurred because they blamed the other person, “they got me into X# of dollars into debt”. Well that debt has 5 digits in it. When I told them, “You got yourself into debt,” they did not seem happy. But here is the thing, each of us gets ourselves into every situation. Sure there is the rare occasion when we can’t be held responsible for our actions but the key word is rare. A lot of the time we know what we are doing, we get a feeling. A gut feeling or a sense of knowing that things are or are not going to end well. All of the above helps if we have boundaries. And all of the messiness of any day of the week could be avoided if someone had them and/or someone else set them. But that didn’t happen to the person I saw while running errands. Both halves of the couple lack boundaries.

Relationships of any kind are a crap shoot. I get that. The only way to stop cleaning up unwanted messes is to choose wisely as you set boundaries. Everyone deserves to at least like their honey for the holidays.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D

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