Do You Listen To Yourself–2?

Hi Everyone,

If you’ve been reading my blogs and this title sounds familiar it is because I posted a blog with the same name on May 29, 2013. Here is the link for that blog, This blog is an extension of it. This is what I mean.

Sometimes I get caught up in things. Anytime I have allowed that to happen I tend to replay the one or more conversations about the situation. If you don’t do that, I know a lot of people who do. It comes in handy. This is how it has helped me.

One day as I was thinking about the Ex, I recognized something I never noticed before. Whenever we would discuss our relationship I always said, “We could have had a good life together.” For anyone who didn’t notice, I used the word had. It is the past tense and past participles of the word have. Then I started to count the times I actually said the above sentence and all of the other conversations we had where I used the past tense without even knowing it. The number was surprising but I noticed something else.

While I was writing this blog, I had to leave to meet someone. As I was sitting in her car, she said, “I have a feeling I should …” I looked at her and told her that the blog I was writing was about listening to ones’ self.

Then I mentioned, “Ever since about Sunday, I’ve been like a cat on a hot tin roof! I’ve been on edge, letting things bother me. I’ve just “felt” weird. Like REALLY TENSE! It was like my body was telling me something that I couldn’t understand. The more I didn’t understand why I was tense, the worse, or tenser I felt.” And I told her why I thought I felt that way. She said it made sense.

Unclear as to if she was agreeing with me or understood me I continued. “But we all do that. Have a feeling we should stop talking, leave wherever we are, stop or start doing something. You just did it when you said, ‘I have a feeling I should….,’ but we don’t always listen to ourselves.”

Anytime I haven’t listened to myself my life took a turn for the worse. If I had a negative gut feeling about someone and didn’t listen to myself, it has never ended well. The same is true when I knew I should have stopped talking and didn’t. But the opposite is true for all the times I have listened to myself.

Here’s a great quote by Kim Basinger that clarifies the above, “I feel like there are two people inside me—me and my intuition. If I go against her, she’ll screw me every time, and if I follow her, we get along quite nicely.”

One night a couple of weeks ago, I was watching the season premiere of a TV show called, Brainwashed. If you’ve never seen it before, the show is based on true stories of people who have survived horrific events. In the episode I watched a young woman was hitch-hiking.  Thinking that she would be safe, she got into a car with a husband, wife and little girl.

In the program, the family stopped for gas and she went to the bathroom. While there, the young woman said that she heard a voice in her head that screamed, “Get away! Jump out the window! Do it now!” The young woman said that she heard the above sentences repeatedly, yet never did anything.

Once back in the car, the young woman said she noticed a wooden box in the back seat where she sat before. Let’s just say, things didn’t go well. The young woman said that she regretted not listening to herself. She survived because the program was about her experience but I couldn’t watch more than 25 minutes so I am unsure as to how it ended. What I do know is how things end for me, when I decide not to listen to myself.

Listening to ones’ self comes in many forms. Like the young woman in the TV show, Brainwashed you could hear a voice. Maybe, like me, you feel tense, out of sorts or use the past tense. Sometimes I have dreams that I believe help me. 

Do whatever works for you. But whatever you do, listen to yourself. Your future happiness may very well depend on it. And of course always listen to the words you chose to use, positive or negative, they will have an affect on your life.

I have posted other blogs on dreams. Here are two links. The first is called, Me and my Dreams. Here’s the link,

The second is called, Books and Dreams,

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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