Do You Listen To Yourself?

Hi Everyone,

Anytime I hear someone speak I pay very close attention to the words that they chose to use. I do this partly because I am a writer and I take words very seriously. Words are very powerful. If the wrong word is used, it will change the meaning, direction of a sentence. Words also have this affect on every area of our lives. This is what I mean.

Lately, I have been having a lot of in depth conversations. Topics which aren’t always the most pleasant but need to be addressed and discussed. We all need to get things off of our minds. Normally, my friends and acquaintances are upbeat and happy-go-lucky. So I found it interesting when they had changed their vocabulary, sometimes drastically.

When I ask them if they heard what they just said, they replied that they hadn’t. They said that they were just telling me how they felt. They were using negative words without even knowing it. Because they didn’t hear what they said, or remembered the power of the words they chose to use, I reminded them what they were doing to themselves. Here is an example.

After one of my friends told me something, I repeated what she said and added,  “You know that when you say there is always something, meaning something negative, than there always will be something negative because that is what you are expecting, right? It’s like you are programming yourself, telling yourself and everyone that you speak with when you chose to use those words that things are not going to remain the same, but get worse. I know things are difficult now. Just be mindful of what you say and how you say it. Like attracts like, say something or feel positive and positive things will eventually come your way.”

Moments later, I could see that she understood. Her usual bright smile slowly returned and she thanked me. Just for the record, this does not always happen. There have been times when I have asked others and their face, demeanour never changed or in a few cases, got worse. Anytime this happens, I know that the person is in what many call, “a bad place”.

It can be difficult for others to be happy, positive when they feel their world is crashing down around them. BUT, BUT it is only going to be harder for them, and in some cases us, if no one chooses to help them.

The above may sound like common sense but it isn’t for some. Some people live their whole lives in a negative state, while others gradually pull themselves out it. I know because I am speaking from personal experience. I, too, have said negative words and attracted more negativity into my life just when I didn’t need or want it.

In fact I was in such a negative state, that no one tried to help me because I was in, “a bad place”. My whole being was consumed and I was sending out a message, vibe and everyone around me could feel. It wasn’t until I began to listen to myself, that I recognized how and why I was jeopardizing my happiness, future.

And that is exactly why I am blogging about this today. I want everyone reading to pay very close attention to the words that they and the people in their lives CHOSE to use and how they are used. Pay attention to the tone of voice, gestures, and posture. Pay attention to everything all the time.

If you are having a difficultly with this, ask a kind friend to help you by gently pointing out the above. People can and will help us help ourselves we just have to open to their help.

Each of us uses words every day. We think in words, we read words, we hear words. Words are very powerful. They have the ability to change our lives for the better or the worse.

Do you listen to yourself? If so, what are you telling yourself you want? A good way to find out is to look at all aspects of your life.

If anyone needs or wants any additional help with this topic, then read my blog titled, Beware of New Year’s Resolutions. Here is the link,  I also posted a blog called, The Law of Attraction. Here’s the link,

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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