Do You Really Catch More Flies With Honey?

Hi Everyone,

Anytime someone would tell me, “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar,” I wanted to smack them! But I do have to admit, there have been times in my life where it has come in handy. This is what I mean.

Sometimes I forget that contracts involving discounts expire (that is a rarity), an organization has overcharged me or hasn’t provided the service they promised. When things of that nature take place, I have to speak to a customer service representative, aka, CSR. Since I have worked with the public in various jobs and professions throughout my life, I am always kind to them. Okay, there have been a few times when I haven’t been, but I am still human. That’s my disclaimer.

After they have identified me as a customer, and the issue has been brought to their attention, my first words are generally, “(their name), look, I’ve worked with the public for X number of years, so I’m simply trying to resolve this is the best and fastest way possible. What can we do about, (whatever) because I would really like to move onto other things as I wasn’t expecting this today.”

That usually puts them at ease and the issue begins the process of being dealt with. As the process continues, meaning my being on hold, I’ll hear them out when come back on the line and respond accordingly. That translates into my remaining calm, civil and understanding. For the times that I am past the date or whatever, I will calmly say, “I know, I should have addressed this before. I knew about it, but other things kept coming up and I forgot. It’s my fault. Okay, let’s just get it done.” Surprised that I’m not screaming, swearing or well, FREAKING OUT, I get an even better discount, deal or they award me extra services. And just for the record, I am always sincere when I admit that it’s my fault. I think that’s why I get the extras. ;D

But there have been a few times, even with my remaining calm when I have wanted to throw the proverbial pot of honey at their heads! Here’s an example.

One time as I was speaking with a CSR he started to get a bit snippy with me for no reason. Since I remained calm and civil throughout our whole conversation I was a little pissed off.  Plus, he wasn’t giving me what I wanted. I softly, yet sternly said, “It seems as if the tables have turned here. I’m still polite and you’re not. Look, I’m not PHYSICALLY taking the money out of your pocket or your pay cheque. I am simply asking that I be credited the amount of X number of dollars. You and I both know that had I of called about this earlier, you and I wouldn’t be having this conversation because I would have already had the discount to begin with. Right?” The end result is that he transferred me and I received the credit of X number of dollars. My nudging that proverbial pot of honey worked again.

In tomorrow’s blog, I THROW that pot of honey at someone’s well deserved head! Why? Well, sometimes that’s the only way I can get my point across.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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