Meal Ticket Taste Anyone?

Hi Everyone,

If these words sound familiar they are from Alanis Morissette’s album titled, Jagged Little Pill. For anyone who hasn’t heard it, I highly recommend it. I’ve included a link for both the song, Right Through You, that contains the words, Meal Ticket Taste, and the full album at the bottom of this blog. This is what prompted me to write this blog.

So I am out and about, doing my thing and I saw someone I haven’t seen for a few months. We stopped and caught with each other’s lives and he told me how his relationship was progressing. I thought. Interesting. He didn’t ask me what I thought. Later that day I decided he probably already knew he wouldn’t like my answer. That’s why he didn’t ask for my opinion. To tell you the truth, in a way I’m glad he didn’t. I didn’t want to be the first to burst his renewed relationship bubble.

What I could and should have asked him is if he has, or plans on getting, a prenuptial and postnuptial agreement. I hope so. She’s well, let’s say, tricky, a piece of work. She also has Meal Ticket Taste, and if he’s not careful, she’ll devour him, bones and all, but not in a way he’s planning. She’s already financially abused him before, people don’t change overnight. Well, some people do, especially if their significant other has more money than they do. Like a lot more money.  Or if their significant other has a good heart, or wants to believe the best and doesn’t want to listen to reason. You can tell someone something, but you can’t make them think! (And yes, I did post a blog about that, here’s the link, )

Since women are the generally the culprits of this type of behavior, although men can be guilty of this too, here is a list to look out for. The list is short but very detailed so that everyone can see right through people with Meal Ticket Taste. This is because some people just don’t want to see what is truly happening.

Before you read the list, recognize that it may be numbered, yet that does not mean it is in the order of human behavior. People can be unpredictable. This is especially true when they decide to have, Meal Ticket Taste. As a woman, I’m going to use a woman’s perspective of what to look out for. Here we go…

1) Have her shopping habits changed? That means, is she slowly spending more and more of (your) money. Watch that one VERY CLOSELY. If she formerly shopped at inexpensive, aka, cheap stores and now she’s not, or she is slowly starting to shop at more expensive stores that she wouldn’t have shopped at before and she’s not making more money, she has Meal Ticket Taste.

If she says, she needs new this, that and the other, check her closets. (Of course this will only work if she’s not hiding her shopping from you. That’s a whole other problem.) TAKE an INVENTORY of her clothes, shoes, handbags, scarves, coats, gloves, boots, EVERYTHING!!! When she says, and she will, “I can’t wear THAT again, everyone’s already seen me in THAT….” or a version of the above, here’s a head’s up.

ONLY and ONLY certain Haute Couture clothing, like gowns and dresses can be worn in public 3 times. But even that depends on the occasion. Super high profile occasions generally mean that Haute Couture can only be worn in public once. That does not mean those articles of clothing can’t be worn for intimate dinners though. So if you’re not swimming with the sharks, clothes, provided they still fit, can be worn for years. Let’s hope she doesn’t gain a tonne of weight and drag you on her shopping excursions.

Clothing shopping habits apply to everything. Like make-up, furniture, appliances, gifts for her, her family and friends etc. That also means is she spending (more) time at the spa or suddenly getting her nails done, having facials, massages. Treating herself once in awhile is and should be accepted. If it happens more often with more add-ons, she has Meal Ticket Taste. Since I hate girlie things, I don’t know what some women do in those places, so you’re on your own for that one. On a side note: Let’s hope she’s using her own money to buy you gifts and she invests more on your gift than the other people she’s buying gifts for. After all, the least she should do is show you some appreciation!

2) Are you still having the same or close to the same amount of sex NOW as before? This is VERY important because if you had a pretty healthy sex life when you were living apart, and now you’re living together and you’re not, you have a problem. YOU’RE LIVING IN THE SAME SPACE!!! You should be having the same or close to the same amount of sex! You’re not roommates are you?

With everyone complaining about little to no sex in their lives, and people, mostly men, wanting more, I’d seriously think about that one. (And yes, I wrote a blog about that, here’s the link, ) Is she still buying lingerie? Is she still wearing lingerie? If not, why? Was it just a temporary thing?

3) Is she slowly spending more time with her friends and family than with you for no reason, like a TRUE emergency? By that I mean, not DRAMA!!! If so, is she “treating” them to things like meals out, a night on the town? Does she even invite you? I don’t mean, every time, people need time with their friends once in a while. BUT, BUT, if she doesn’t invite you most times, like 90-95% of the time, you have a problem. This is especially true if she’s been shopping for her night out and getting all gussied up to go out without you! How often do you see her gussied up? It should be more than other people, if it’s on your dime. Or do you even see her while you are both awake? If so, I hope it’s for a few hours a day. Even shift work can be worked around. Provided there is no true emergency, she should also be home when you get home.

4) Does she care about your health? Are you eating processed food, take-out, does she even cook, or want to cook anything remotely healthy? Like ever? If she’s not the cook in the household, does she do anything to contribute to your health in a positive way? Does she ask/tell you to have a physical? Does she make any health related appointments and/or get your medication if you need it? Does she get you to take your medication? What about asking you how you feel? Does she make you take vitamins? Does she look for new or better ways to ease your discomfort? Is she looking for ways to prolong your good health? If not, than she is hindering it! Watch this one VERY CLOSELY. I am serious. No one is getting any younger here. I’m just going to bottom line it, if she’s not taking care of your health in the ways that a person who LOVES someone should, she DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOU!!! She cares more about the money! Let me say this another way. If she is talking more about shopping, her friends, family, gradually spending less time with you and you have a health issue, she DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOU!!! SHE HAS MEAL TICKET TASTE!!!

On a side note I would just like to remind men, that when women ask/tell men to have a physical and worry about their overall well-being, it is because they love, care about them. That means women want their men to live a long healthy life. It’s not nagging, it’s caring, loving.

Without the wealth of health, it doesn’t matter how much money you have now or what your pension will be. If she’s not taking care of you now, she’s either going to do one of two things. Either she’ll do the BARE MINIMUM to take care of you by going through the motions, or she’ll leave you to your own devices by having you do everything for your health. You’ll be your own nurse maid, while your maiden is elsewhere. She may even leave you for good.

Here’s another harsh reality check, she very well could be hoping you, her, Meal Ticket will be put in a home that she’ll RARELY visit because she’s living the high life or that you die off.  The sooner someone dies, the sooner someone else can cash in on EVERYTHING!!! She wouldn’t even have to go through the motions of visiting a grave! Death is final. Provided she’s the beneficiary of or living in property, life insurance, joint bank accounts, you name it, it’s hers. Nowadays, a will has to be IRON-CLAD. People get funny when it comes to money.

5) Have you noticed that over time, you’re doing more than your fair share? That means, your honey do list morphed into a MUST DO LIST for you because she’s not doing as much as she did before and things MUST get done. Worse, she does nothing EVER! This one can be creep into lives. Is she shifting responsibilities? Giving or asking you to do things that she normally did? Now if she’s not physically able to do something, I’d take that into consideration. Then I’d question just how much she is truly capable of in every sense of the word.

With that said, stop reading and think about the above. I can wait. Grab a pen and paper if you want, you may need it.

If one or more of the above had you thinking GREAT!!! That’s EXACTLY what I wanted.  Because it will only get worse! Now what do you do, if you, or someone you know is being treated like a Meal Ticket? Just as people who have Meal Ticket Taste, this is tricky.

My answer for this is cut your losses, immediately! This is why. It may cost you in the short term, but wise people think long term. So don’t be the sucker who is born every second, in every city! If you want to go and weigh the financial scales, go ahead. It may be financially cheaper to keep her for now. But if she’s doing one or a combination of the above now, even if her spending habits stay the same, how much money is that over a course of a year, two, ten or longer? And what about everything else that a loving, caring relationship is supposed to consist of?

When people love each they invest time into their relationship. They don’t make a habit of spending time away from people who they supposedly love! What about your wealth of health? That alone speaks VOLUMES so I hope everyone heard that! Do you really want to do more than your fair share of the honey do list? This is especially true if your health is deteriorating. Think about that.

More importantly, (and yes this is my favourite topic) if you want sex, and you’re not getting it now, it will only get worse! Just as everything I mentioned above, EVERYTHING will be ALL downhill from here! Is that the price you want to pay? Is all of the above and more worth saving money now? I hope not. If you are into pain, suffering, and living, staying in a loveless relationship then saving money is your answer. If not, cut your losses immediately!

Your life, your happiness, should be worth more to you, then crumbs of affection! Because that is EXACTLY what someone with Meal Ticket Taste will offer you at best!

Before I end this blog, I just want to say a few more things. Even if you don’t have a lot of money and you have a good heart, just be mindful that there are people out there that will seek, befriend, and go through the motions of caring and loving you, because they know they can! People with low to no self-esteem get royally screwed by people who have Meal Ticket Taste! Every relationship is supposed to be a two-way street. Both people in the relationship should be actively working on making their relationship better. Don’t settle! And if you do, it’s YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT!!! Don’t shoot the messenger!

Here’s the link for Right Through You,

Here’s the link for Alanis Morriessette’s full album, Jagged Little Pill,

I hope this blog has helped everyone see right through people with Meal Ticket Taste. Life isn’t always easy. I trust that no one reading has had to swallow this, Jagged Little Pill.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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