Food Banks

Hi Everyone,

On December 8th, 2012 I posted a blog titled, Food Stamps. Here is the link to that blog, Yesterday I read in a paper called, tonight, that some food banks are not getting the food donations that they usually do because of the NHL lockout. Some of the establishments that would collect food to be donated are now laying off some of their employees. Here is a link to the Metro news,

The above link works today, yet if it is disabled, just search, “some food banks feel the pinch of NHL lockout”. This is a HUGE issue so there are lots of links.

Food Banks need our help more than ever! Please donate what you can where you can. Some places to donate food are grocery stores, fire halls, The Salvation Army, and police stations yet there are more.

One of my friends, Stephania, gave me some facts that about 25% of children in Canada are what we call food challenged. That means that they go to bed hungry and often do not eat during the day.  🙁  It’s not the way I would like to start my day. Every mind needs food to function, especially the minds of our future generation, children. If you haven’t had to do that, try it. It is humbling.

As I was researching something else today, I came across this information from the TVO website. In Ontario, soda and hot dogs are more affordable today than a decade ago, while the cost of bread, dairy and fruits have skyrocketed. This is not the type of food that keeps a mind alert. This type of food screams, “Health care I need you!”

To learn more about hunger in Ontario click on this link. There are videos too!

The number of people who are going hungry in Ontario is alarming! For a more in depth look at food banks and the need for all of us to contribute as much food as we can, I have included a link. Here it is,

Just scroll down the page until you see a video titled, “Bill Laidlaw: Banking on Food.” It is 13:15 minutes in length. There are also other videos above the one on food banks worth watching.

Please donate to the food bank. Even if you donate an hour’s worth of your wages it would be greatly appreciated. And yes, I donate.  Happily, I might add! ;D

Thank for reading, A. Rebels Rant! ;D


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