Has My Vanity…

Hi Everyone,

About a week ago when I spoke with a close acquaintance, she told me something that really intrigued me. Here is what I learned and why I believe it is important.  

“Wow! You’re hair is growing like a WEED! What are you doing differently?” I asked her.

“Well, you know I had cancer right?”

I remember the cancer, the biopsy, what happened during, but I’m still missing something. Or am I? I don’t know, but I answer her, “Yes, I remember. So what is going on now? Do you still have it? Cancer I mean?”

She told me no. She is cancer free, (Yeah!!!) and that the doctors still don’t understand how she had cancer four weeks ago but doesn’t have it now. When I asked her if she was doing something differently, or if she thought they made a mistake she said she had started taking a multi-vitamin, vitamins B and C and began a cleanse right after her biopsy.

I am a big believer in eating well, and taking vitamins to supplement my diet. I also follow everything to do with all aspects of health. When she told me that she thought the cleanse may have rid her of cancer I believed her.

Toxins affect our short and long-term well-being. Removing any amount of toxins from our bodies increases our overall health because our cells can function the way they are meant to. “What EXACTLY do mean when you say cleanse, like a detox right? I’ve never done one before, but always wanted to. Is it hard? All of the ones I’ve heard of have weird restrictions and schedules. And what else have you noticed?” Now I want to know everything.

Laughing she says, “It’s easy. I take it before bed and first thing in the morning. That’s it and it’s highly recommended to cancer patients who have gone through chemotherapy and/or radiation because it gets ALL of the toxins from their treatment out of their bodies. That’s why I started taking it.

“And ever since my hair is growing. Remember, I told you that I now have to get my bangs cut once a week. My nails are growing and even my skin is softer. But I also feel AMAZING! I have so much more energy. I’m more productive and happier too”

All the while she is speaking with me, I think, I want my hair and nails to grow faster and I want softer skin. Has my vanity reached a new height? I tell myself it hasn’t. This is why.

I smoke cigarettes and I know that first, second and third hand smoke is REALLY bad. I sold fragrances for over 17 years and I know that my inhaling all of those chemicals were bad for me too. For years, I’ve been concerned about walking outside because the so-called “fresh air” isn’t as fresh as it used to be and that’s only going to get worse. Some of the other jobs I’ve had weren’t the best health wise and in the past I’ve had stress in my life.

If this cleanse is highly recommended to cancer patients after they have had chemotherapy and/or radiation and she has had noticed a difference, that’s HUGE! I’m trying it. I can see that her hair is longer, her skin is softer, (I touched it and it was soft) and her face does look brighter.

Deep in thought I ask her where she bought the cleanse and the name. It is Flor Essence by Flora and it was on sale. I was sold on it before, but it being on sale was an added bonus. After we parted, I raced to the health food store and found the first salesperson to help me.  

After the salesperson told me that this cleanse is the deepest, yet gentlest one on the market and that is why it is recommended to cancer patients, I wanted it even more.

When she tried to up-sell me the pre made “bargain box” (because that is her job) I told her this was an impulse buy and why. She then suggested that I get the do-it-yourself box. It is the equivalent of three individual pre made boxes or one pre made “bargain box.” According to her, the do-it-yourself box is better than the pre made because it is more intense.

Trepidation set in. When I’m working I tend to burn things because I forget that I’m cooking or boiling something. Did I want to get the do-it-yourself, save over $40 to get the same amount as the pre made “bargain box” and try to properly do this myself? Or did I want spend more money buying the pre made thereby, selling my health short? In seconds, I decided that I am long overdue for a cleanse. The investment of my time towards my health was worth it. I bought the do-it-yourself box.

Since I didn’t have exactly what I the instructions stated, I bought whatever I needed. (I am telling you this because it makes everything easier. Plus, my thinking has always been, if I am going to do something, I am going to do it right or why bother doing it at all.) Then the next day, I started brewing. The instructions in the box are VERY simple and clearly stated. The whole process was easier than I thought!

In the instructions, I read that I could safely double the daily amount. They call it, Extra Strength. I did that because now I wanted any toxins out of me and fast!

The first night, right after I finished sipping my first double/Extra Strength amount I heard my stomach gurgle. I knew something was happening I just didn’t know what. I went to bed and did the cleanse in the morning and every day since. I am now on my second of three envelopes/packets or my second brew. I could have brewed everything at once, I just chose not to.  

What the instructions don’t state is that, depending on the person, it can take anywhere from 3-7 days to notice anything. Here is my experience. Now keep in mind that I take my health very seriously. Lots of fibre, water and vitamins are part of my daily routine. I can’t remember the last time I drank pop or sugary drinks of any kind. I rarely eat junk food and limit the amount of meat that I eat. My sugar and salt intake per day are far below average.

With that said, I have noticed two things. One is that my incision from my surgery is healing very well. Anyone I show it to is amazed. The second is that I am having more bowel movements.

Now here is the thing with bowel movements. If you have one and it smells, that means that whatever just came out of you has been LITERALLY ROTTING inside of you. I am serious. That is what that smell means. And it makes sense. Things that are rotting smell bad. Since that rarely happens with me, I knew the cleanse was working.

But just to make sure, I went back to the health food store, found the same woman who helped me before and began asking questions again as to what else I should be looking for. After all, I take my health very seriously and I am an information junkie. I always want to know as much as possible, especially when it comes to my health. (And yes, I know I should stop smoking.  🙂  )

Again, she told me that some people may get headaches or feel foggy. When I told her about my stomach gurgling she said she’d never heard of that but some people have been known to have flu-like symptoms. But everyone goes to the bathroom more often and as she said, “Without being graphic, it can be pretty gross.”

I have felt foggy but I believe that my diet and daily routine has kept me from seeing, “pretty gross,” even though I am having more bowel movements and some of them have smelt. Had I of taken the regular amount, instead of the Extra Strength, it may have taken me longer to notice anything. But I can’t be sure.  

Has my vanity reached new heights? Yes and no. Above, I admitted that I wanted my hair and nails to grow faster and that I wanted softer skin. That’s vain. BUT I also stated that my past employment has filled me with chemicals and the fact that I smoke cigarettes isn’t the healthiest either.

In my mind, I was overdue for a cleanse. Water, fibre, and a healthy diet can only go so far. I believe that my short and long-term health is worth it. I’m all for feeling better, if I look better too, well then that’s an added bonus.

I believe the cleanse has worked for me. I also believe that it has helped my close acquaintance with her cancer.

So the question of the day is this, do you value your health? If so, how much? For anyone who uses, has used or is thinking of using laxatives as a form of weight-loss please read my blog called, Laxative Diets. Here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/laxative-diets/

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D  


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