It’s My Life

Hi Everyone,

In the last few days, the only time I have left my apartment is basically to get groceries and cigarettes. I did stop by my neighbours yesterday for 30 minutes, and made a pit stop today. Outside of those two things, I’ve been a hermit. I am serious.

The less time I am out of my apartment means the more time I am in it to finish the updates to, A. Rebel’s Rant, the blog you are currently reading.

When I do leave my apartment I do the bare necessities regarding my hair and make-up. If I see someone anywhere like in a store, I keep the conversation as short as possible.  Since I strongly believe in making a list for errands and groceries, I have limited them to the bare necessities too.

The only thing that I have not minimized is my diet. I absolutely refuse to allow any part of that slide. Even though it takes over an hour, I still make my big bowl of fruit salad that usually lasts a week. For anyone who has been following my blog, then you would know that I have also began a cleanse. (Here’s the link to that blog, ) Even though that too takes time, it is something that I believe is an investment towards my health. 

Instead of soaking in the tub and reading a book, now my idea of relaxing is doing the dishes. Unfortunately, I am serious about that too. I haven’t watched or listened to the TV or any YouTube videos that don’t directly relate to what I am doing. Anytime I’ve tried to watch/listen to the TV my mind just ends up thinking of where I left off and what I think I can accomplish in the next few days.

If you were curious as to the state of my apartment, well, it, like my nails could use some attention. Do I care about either right now? Not in the least! I really don’t care what people think of my current level of untidiness or the state of my nails or anything else for that matter.

If someone doesn’t like something about my life right now, or well EVER, then that’s their problem. And really if someone has a problem with something that is NONE of their business, than I am of the opinion that they have a slew of other problems to begin with. Get a life and STAY out of mine!

If someone thinks I am directing this blog or the above comment to them, here’s my response. Highly unlikely! I’ve felt this way for a long time. But if you think I am, then here’s a tip, get over yourself! Seriously! You are not that important to me regardless of what  you think. 

As I mentioned in, Has Anyone Noticed?,  I am determined to get all of the updates to A. Rebel’s Rant done the way I want them. Once that is completed I can move onto something else, hopefully sooner than later.

This is way I see it, I raised my daughter and now this is my time to do what I want when I want. (Just for the record, I have a strong moral compass.) But being an emotional contortionist is for other people. If you don’t know what I mean, I have a blog for that,

Unlike the lyrics to, It’s My Life, I am not broken hearted. BUT, BUT I will be if I don’t get this done. I’ve got BIG PLANS while I’m alive. And yes, I’ve listened to; It’s My Life, more than once today. In fact, I’ve listened to it repeatedly while I’ve written this blog. It’s been pretty quiet here at the Leber/Rebel residence lately, so I thought I’d crank it, for every time I’ve listened to it. 

Here is a link to the YouTube video of, It’s My Life, by Bon Jovi,

Here’s the link for the YouTube video of, It’s My Life, with the lyrics, by Bon Jovi,

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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