Here’s One Reason To Stay Fit!

Hi Everyone,

Even if you haven’t been to my Wealth of Health category and have read only a handful of blogs, than you would know, that I take my physical health very seriously. There is a very good reason for this. This is why.

In yesterday’s blog, I mentioned that even though I can at times find the news nauseating, I still watch it. There are many reasons as to why I watch the news, but one is so that I know what to do in an emergency. An emergency is a broad reason, so I will narrow it down to my having to save my life! That is EXACTLY why I watch the news. In this blog, I mean my physical life!

If something happens and I have to run for my life I want and need to know how people in similar situations not only survived, but how the “authorities” of wherever I am in the world, should something happen, handled whatever that would compel me to run for my life. Now I just want everyone to know that I can run even in heels! You should see me run for buses, subways and trains in my heels as I am loaded down with my handbag and usually another bag. I’m FAST!!! I mean I can really MOVE!!!

If I had heels on and felt I needed to take them off so I could run faster I would. I would also drop something if it was weighing me down. Now that everyone knows I can run and would drop something, I would like to add that I’ve told my daughter to remain fit, to also run for her life if she felt she was in physical danger and drop something if it was weighing her down too.

If something should happen and I had to run for my life, I would run past anyone in my way. At the same time, because I am petite, I would also weave in and out of any human traffic that would prevent me from saving my life.  And I am fairly good to great at finding the path of least resistance.

Would I stop to help someone else? Since I don’t even know if I would ever have to run for my life, I honestly can’t  answer that. Should a situation arise, the situation itself would dictate that.  Let’s face it, there are times when it is every child, woman and man for themselves. With that said, if I had a child in my care, I would do whatever I had to in order to protect them. But I would definitely do whatever I had to do to protect myself if I was alone. Again, I’ve told my daughter to do the same.

Some people may find that selfish. If so, think about what you would do, or have done, if you would be or were in an emergency situation and were fighting for your life. Exactly!

Now if the above isn’t one reason for you to stay fit, I don’t know what is. I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point. If you don’t know what I mean, then if I were you, I would read this blog again and read yesterday’s blog too. Here’s the link,

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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