How Long Should You Wait Before You Date?

Hi Everyone,

This one bugs me. This is what I mean.

I was going to blog about this a few months ago, but some how I got sidetracked, distracted and now I am distracted by how people can just up and date someone after a break-up or a death. Yep! That is how this blog got started.

Sometime last year I heard that someone I kind of knew passed away. I was surprised because he was young, and as far as I knew was in okay health. Since I rarely see his now former girlfriend, I gave her my condolences the first chance I saw her which was about a month after he died. That was when she introduced me to her new boyfriend. The words, “That was fast,” escaped my lips almost as quickly as I looked away.

If it wasn’t bad enough that her boyfriend of more than the two-years I have known them as a couple died, her new boyfriend knew both of them too! Now I know that there are people who don’t like to be alone, but really?!!? Did the person you were in a relationship with not mean anything to you? Were they just filling a role, or a void that anyone could fill? And I do mean anyone? Because when someone gets into another relationship that quickly, that is kind of how it looks to me and a lot of other people.

People have feelings. I don’t really know how to feel about this couple. To me it’s just weird. And I know that I don’t know the whole story, but really? Couldn’t they just not be so open about their relationship for a few months?

Do either of them know how they feel? Someone died. Have either of them worked out their feelings or non-feelings about that? Relationships can be tricky. Breaking-up with someone can be hard on people, yet death takes a larger toll, right?

Unless her former boyfriend is watching from above, he is never going to see her and her new boyfriend. He doesn’t know how quickly she moved on, he’s dead. I am telling you this because in less than one day it will be Valentine’s Day. Some people will see or know how quickly their ex has moved on and they may not be okay with it.

How long should you wait before you date? I don’t know. If the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, how much did the person you are trying to over really mean to you?

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!  ;D


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