If Everyone Just Did What They Were Supposed To!

Hi Everyone,

So the title of this blog should be self-explanatory. If it isn’t, then I’m here to tell you that I have invested A LOT of my time because there people who simply do not do their jobs, or think they can do whatever they want when they want. This, in a roundabout way, is what I mean.

Okay, so let’s start with the roundabout way. There are still some things that are taking place in my life that I have to be careful when speaking or blogging about. For anyone who is curious, well, sorry about your luck, my lips are sealed. What I can say is this, if I wasn’t so BUSY researching EXACTLY how the people in my life haven’t been doing what they were supposed to, I would most likely be either reading or writing, or you know, ENJOYING my life! As a writer writing and reading are the same difference. The reason for this is when a writer has writer’s block and/or has completed their writing, they read until they get their next idea, which for the most part I can work around.

What I can’t work around is the SHEER INCOMPETENCE, the UTTER IGNORANCE, and the OVERWHELMING ARROGANCE of people! Some of those people are getting paid GOOD money BUT are CLEARLY not earning their pay, hence all of my invested time! Then there are other people in my life who just think that they can do whatever they want, when they want and that I can’t stop them! To say I am pissed off is, an UNDERSTATEMENT!!!

If you knew, what I now know, you too, would, or should be DISGUSTED by how people sit on their ever growing laurels, (fat bottoms) only to get paid a wage that they CLEARLY have not earned! And if you think I’m referring to someone working at a fast food restaurant, the dry cleaners, or a minimum to low paying job, think again. I am referring to people who not only have a higher level of education, but have applied their education to their supposed profession! Just to clarify, I recognize that there are people who have one or more degrees from either a recognized institution in Canada, or a country of their origin, yet for whatever reason, cannot get secure, or any level of, employment in their chosen field.

So everyone, I’m here to tell you to watch your back and watch the news. While you are at it, don’t believe ANYTHING you hear and believe only half of what you see! For the most part, the world we live in is CORRUPT, and I am being kind when I say that. Someone is going to have to take a stand. Just for the record, that someone will be ME!!!

Not everyone in my life who has caused me to do all of my research likes that, but guess what? I DON’T LIKE what is happening. I will start to blog about what I am dealing with sometime next week.

Here is a link for a blog I posted earlier this week, http://arebelsrant.com/is-the-news-nauseating/

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D (531 words)


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