Just How Healthy Are Vitamins?

Hi Everyone,

This is a follow up of yesterdays blog. This is why. The pundits on Dr. Oz recently have discovered that there are some vitamins that actually do us more harm than good. According to them, there is a quick and accurate way to find out if the vitamins you are taking are helping or harming you. Here it is. (For anyone who didn’t read yesterday’s blog, it is called, My B12 Shot. Here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/my-b12-shot-d/ )

Pour water into a clear glass and let it sit until it is room temperature. Drop your vitamin in it and stir it for 30 MINUTES not 30 seconds. If the vitamin dissolves completely take the vitamin as it states on the bottle or as per your doctor. If the vitamin semi-dissolves, or does not dissolve at all, than they are useless and toss the whole bottle. This is why.

Any vitamin that does not COMPLETELY dissolve means that it will lodge itself in your fat, and that vitamin will stay in your body forever. One lodged vitamin will probably not do you a lot of harm. However, over time more than one vitamin, lodged in your fat will. 

After I saw the graphics for this, I poured water into a clear glass and dropped my vitamin in it. (I always have water at room temperature so I didn’t have to wait.) Once I began stirring I noticed that my vitamin began to dissolve. I think it was about 24 minutes before it was completely gone. There were little dust-like particles floating around in the clear glass which is what it is supposed to look like. HUGE relief.

I only take one vitamin that is not water soluble but that graphic really got to me. I mean what is the point of taking a vitamin that I think is helping me only to find out that it is harming me? Exactly!

And just as a reminder, there are only two vitamins that are water soluble. Water soluble for anyone who doesn’t know means that if you, meaning your body, doesn’t need it; it will leave your body. Those 2 vitamins are Vitamin C and any/all B vitamins. So if you feel that you need more of one or both feel free to take as many as you think you need. They are safe. That too was mentioned on Dr. OZ that day, just so you know. (I mentioned the most of the above paragraph in a blog I posted called, Are You Ready For Valentine’s Day?. This blog has tips for ways to increase your libido. Here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/are-you-ready-for-valentines-day/ )

Is this a rant? Since my vitamin dissolved it isn’t for me, but if you take vitamins and yours didn’t than it is.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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