My B12 Shot ;D

Hi Everyone,

Now that I am going in for my B12 shot (about) once a month, my doctor and I have been getting to know each other. Let me explain.

I’ve had the same family doctor for over 16 years. He is Chinese, has a very thick Chinese accent and can usually tell what is wrong with me just by looking at me. He’s always been a good guy. I wouldn’t have a doctor that wasn’t, even with the shortage of physicians. But we never got to really talk human to human. Up until the last two years I saw him twice a year. Once for my physical and the other time might be for a cold or something like that.

Last year I saw him a bit more because I had a problem with my leg. Since it is a pretty important limb he addressed it with everything in his medical arsenal. He did the same the year before when I was having an issue with my stomach, hence my nightly shot of Jager. (If you don’t know what I mean, here is a link to the blog, Laxative Diets,

Both issues have been addressed. Honestly I think he went above and beyond his medical call of duty on both accounts. And why wouldn’t he. Before 2011, I was a pretty low-to-no maintenance patient.

Since I take my health pretty seriously, I asked him for EVERY test known to mankind to be part of my last years physical. This is partly because there have been cut backs to our Canadian health care system and I want full medical service for as long as I can. Once the cuts start, they don’t tend to stop. They just keep getting deeper. That and I believe that being sick is a waste of time. 

He ordered every test and that is when we found out I was low on B12. Thankfully my doctor understands my wanting to be healthy. Well, okay, he doesn’t really understand my still smoking. But we do understand each other. Even with his thick accent and at times broken English.

When I saw him the other day, I jokingly said, “I almost fell asleep.”

He of course laughed and said, “You need your B12 shot! Give you strength.”

Just after he plunged the needle into my arm I asked him, “So do you ever get people that smell? You know people that could really use a bath?”

The look on his face was, as they say, priceless. “All the time! And then they tell me what is wrong and I have to get closer.”

Both of us giggle like school kids. Then suddenly panic sets in. In my head, I am thinking, “What if all these smelly people get to him and he quits!” Verbally I ask, “Are you thinking of retiring?”

And then he says, “You know when I tell people that I’m doctor, they think I’m rich! They think I have lots of money! But I don’t. They don’t understand. They say, ‘But you’re a doctor.’”

“Doctors in the States make A LOT of money,” I said knowing just how impressionable people of any age can be.

“In the States, doctors are paid like professionals. Here? No.” He regrettably shakes his head.

“Yea, in the States, doctors can charge like lawyers, dentists,” I agree.

“Like their own business. Here? No. I just keep working! What can I do?” He throws his hands in the air.

With a baby crying in the next room, we stop that discussion. “See you next month,” I said.

“Next month, don’t forget,” he reminded me as he walked into the next room.

So here is the tip of the day. If you value your health, time, like being productive, don’t like being sick, hospitals a combination of the above or whatever, get your physical so you can stay healthy.

If you have a doctor, be good to them. Bathe before you visit them, pop a piece of gum in your mouth and be nice. Your health may depend on it.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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